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LaSalle 2018 Election Logo

Voter Information Letters Mailed in LaSalle

Posted on Monday, September 24, 2018 02:00 PM

Voter Information Letters (VIL) for the Municipal Election are being delivered to your mailboxes in LaSalle. If you haven’t received your letter by the end of September, please let us know. Call our Toll Free line at 1-833-946-3061 or send an email to

Once you receive your letter, read it carefully to see if you need to make any changes. If there are changes, you must visit us in person at the LaSalle Civic Centre, 5950 Malden Road. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to...

Construction on Malden Road in LaSalle

Posted on Friday, September 21, 2018 09:45 AM

Mill and Paving operations started on Malden Rd. between Normandy St. and Laurier Dr. in LaSalle on Tuesday, September 18.  This project should be complete in approximately 2-3 weeks, weather dependant.

All businesses will remain open during the construction. Motorists should expect delays. Please drive with caution. We thank you for your patience.

Canada Post Work Disruption Procedures for Vendors

Posted on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:45 AM

Due to the ongoing possibility of a Canada Post work disruption, the Town of LaSalle will not be mailing any correspondence, documents, cheques etc. after Tuesday, September 18, 2018.

Vendors who receive their payments by cheque through the mail may pick up their cheque at the LaSalle Civic Centre (5950 Malden Road). Office hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Cheques will be available for pick-up from Accounts Payable, located at the Tax Department counter on the first floor.

To confirm...

LaSalle Vote 2018 Logo

LaSalle Preparing for Internet and Telephone Voting

Posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 10:30 AM

The Town of LaSalle is busy preparing for the upcoming Municipal Election, which is taking place on Monday, October 22, 2018. Electors will be voting for the positions of mayor and five councillors. There will not be an election for deputy mayor as this position was acclaimed.

In addition, electors will vote for school board trustees for the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board and Conseil scolaire Viamonde (French Public). The trustees for the Greater Essex County District School Board and...

Death Related to West Nile Virus Confirmed

Posted on Friday, September 14, 2018 03:00 PM

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit has reported that they have received a report of a death attributed to the West Nile virus (WNV). This is a notice to the public that WNV continues to be a risk until the area experiences temperatures below freezing. Most people with WNV never develop symptoms and will not know that they have the virus. Approximately 25% of the people develop West Nile fever. A small number of people (less than 1%) develop severe neuro-invasive disease.

The Windsor-Essex County...