firefighters in training

The role of our fire service is not limited to fighting fires. Not only do we support EMS when needed, our firefighters respond to all kinds of emergencies including:

  • Car accidents

  • Vehicle fires

  • Smoke and odour investigation

  • Incidents with the potential to create an immediate threat to public safety such as downed power lines or severed natural gas lines

  • Water, ice, confined space, elevator and trench rescue

  • Hazardous materials incidents

Composite Department

Our station is a composite fire department, with 19 full-time firefighters and 34 volunteer/paid-on-call firefighters. Our team works within 7 divisions including:

  • Maintenance

  • Marine

  • Operations

  • Health & Safety

  • Fire Prevention

  • Public Education
  • Training

Firefighter Training

Firefighter in training

LaSalle Fire Service is considered a composite fire department. Firefighters in the Town of LaSalle are either full-time or volunteer (paid-on-call) firefighters. Both firefighter positions train to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) provincial standard and must achieve certification similar to a skilled trades ticket. Our firefighters attend training sessions bi-weekly in order to be as skilled as possible at dealing with any emergency. Our firefighters are required to perform and successfully complete both written and practical testing administered by the Ontario Fire Marshal's Office. Training is mandatory not only to achieve certification but also to maintain knowledge and ability once certification is achieved. Most training is provided internally under the direction of our Training Officer. Other subjects and seminars are provided through external organizations. 

Recruit Firefighter Training

Firefighters standing in garage during training on vehicleNewly recruited firefighters are not only required to attend the regularly scheduled training sessions, they have an additional training commitments.

During this "probationary" period of their service to our community, recruit firefighters are restricted in the duties they perform in emergency situations. Most importantly, they are not permitted to do interior firefighting (entering a dwelling to fight a fire). Statistics show too many injuries that occur involve new firefighters as these interior firefighting skills have not been fully developed. schedule of classes to attend. These classes are geared to teaching the basics of being a Firefighter. This additional training consists of both theory and practical training. Then, a series of provincial exams and performance related physical tasks follow.

Firefighter Hiring Process - LaSalle Fire Service

Candidates interested in becoming a volunteer/paid-on-call firefighter for the LaSalle Fire Service must meet minimum requirements as follows:

  • minimum Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent

  • valid Ontario driver's license

  • must live in LaSalle, ON

  • must have valid First Aid and CPR training

The hiring process includes:

  • a written aptitude test

  • a physical fitness test

  • formal interview process

Volunteer/paid-on-call firefighter recruitment does not occur on a regular basis. When positions become available an advertisement will be posted on the News/Announcements section of the fire department website and our social media pages Facebook and Twitter. Should you have any additional questions regarding recruitment, please send an e-mail.

Promoting Mental Health in First Responders

The Windsor Essex First Responder Coalition seeks to develop a unified and collaborative approach to building resilience, reducing stigma, and promoting mental wellbeing in First Responders. As a direct result of doing their job, First Responders are at increased risk of experiencing occupational stress and other mental health issues. In recognition of this, the partners work together to develop strategies and programs to address the continuum of mental health issues known to impact First Responders -

First responders in crisis can call our Community Crisis Centre at 519-973-4435 toll free, 24/7 or visit

LaSalle Firefighter's Association

The LaSalle Firefighters Association consists of a group of dedicated LaSalle volunteer firefighters. The goal of the association is to raise funds to benefit community programs, organizations, individuals, and families in need while at the same time bonding as a group of firefighters. Some programs and activities run by the association include:

  • The Detroit River Walleye Classic Fishing Derby. This annual event takes place the first weekend in May each year and is open to anyone interested in participating. A kid's fishing derby is also held at this event each year. Please see the official website for more information

  • LaSalle Firefighter's Christmas Toy Drive. This event benefits local families in need and takes place in December each year.

  • Special Events. The LaSalle firefighters association takes part in many community events upon request. Examples of support include parades, car washes, school events, team and charity events.

To contact the LaSalle Firefighters Association, please send an e-mail or call the LaSalle Fire Hall at 519-966-0744.