Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) is the recognized authority for watershed information updates. They have developed a series of escalating precautionary public messages to advise residents of potential or imminent flooding conditions.

 Watershed Conditions/Safety Bulletin
 Factors could be dangerous, but flooding is not expected.
 Flood Outlook
 Early notice of flooding potential based on weather forecasts.
 Flood Watch
Potential for flooding within specific watercourses or municipalities. Municipalities, EMS and landowners in flood-prone areas should be prepared.
 Flood Warning
 Flooding is imminent or is occurring in specific watercourses or municipalities.

ERCA Watershed Condition Statements

ERCA, like all Conservation Authorities, assists with flood risk management in the following ways:

  • Monitors stream flow, lake and river water levels, and ice conditions within our watershed. 
  • Assess soil saturation levels and provide flood warnings to local municipalities and agencies when necessary.
  • Prepare flood contingency plans and assist municipalities during the emergency response process.
  • Access weather information at both the local and international levels to allow timely alerts to be issued. 

Click on the image below to visit the Essex Region Conservation, Flood Forecasting web page for up-to-date shoreline and watershed conditions. 

ERCA web page