Before an Emergency

You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours during an emergency. You should also understand the basic principles of first aid and safety.

Register to receive LaSalle Alerts

Register today at and get alerted about emergencies.

Emergency preparedness - Be Prepared

Are you ready? Planning for an emergency starts with you:

  • Do you have a plan? You can't predict an emergency, but you can prepare for one. Make an Emergency Preparedness Action Plan.
  • Does your family have an Emergency Survival KitMake one or buy a kit from The Canadian Red Cross.
  • Do you have copies of important documents? Such as: insurance provider contact information, passports, government issued identification, your last will and testament, a list of current medications. Keep these items in a fireproof safety deposit box or other fire safe location.
  • Have you considered how children react in an emergency situation?
  • The needs and supplies of our seniors and individuals with disabilities may be different than yours.
  • Have you thought about your pets in an emergency?
  • Do you live in a high-rise?

No one can predict the on-set of an emergency situation within the municipality.  However, our best defense against one is to be prepared in the event we are confronted with an emergency situation.

Your Emergency Preparedness Guide

Visit Emergency Management Ontario (EMO) to download Your Emergency Preparedness Guide.