What is Human Trafficking?

“The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons using methods of threat, force, fraud, or coercion, for the purpose of exploitation.”

– the United Nations

Human trafficking is most commonly referred to as “modern day slavery”. Human trafficking occurs when a victim is being exploited for profit by the trafficker. The victim is held and controlled against their will.

There are 4 types of human trafficking: sex, forced labour, marriage and organ.

Human Trafficking Resources
WEFiGHT.ca 519-256-7831 wefighttrafficking@gmail.com www.wefight.ca
House of Sophrosyne 519-252-2711 information@sophrosyne.ca www.sophrosyne.ca
Hiatus House 519-252-1143 admin@hiatushouse.com www.hiatushouse.com
Victim Services of Windsor
& Essex County
info@vswec.ca www.vswec.ca

Ontario Ministry of Community
and Social Services Helpline


Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
24hr Crisis Hotline

519-253-9667 info@saccwindsor.net  

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LaSalle, Ontario
N9H 1P8

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Fax: 519-969-2662


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Human Trafficking

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