Police Patches and Articles of Police Uniform

The LaSalle Police Service regularly receives requests from collectors to obtain our police shoulder flash (patches) or other articles of our police uniform.

While we appreciate the interest in collecting these items, our police shoulder flashes and all other articles of our police uniform are for official use only. To protect our integrity and in the interest of public safety, the LaSalle Police Service will not provide to the public, any article of uniforms, patches or equipment that are designated for police use only.

We appreciate everyone’s understanding.

C.O.A.S.T. (Community Outreach and Support Team)

The primary function of a police officer assigned to the Community Outreach and Support Team is to work in partnership with medical care professionals in the assessment and treatment of the mentally ill. This includes linking individuals during and following a crisis with the necessary community resources and support systems to prevent further crisis. This also includes being a resource for information for other officers, assisting to reduce the workload on the front line officer and keeping statistics on the impact this program has in reducing police-related calls.

C.O.A.S.T. is…

  • a joint program between the LaSalle Police Service and Hotel Dieu Grace Health Care.
  • a team consisting of a plainclothes Police Officer and a Social Worker.
  • provides in-home assessments and support to individuals with mental health and addiction needs to persons aged 16 or over residing in LaSalle.
  • facilitates access to community services and supports to divert from the criminal justice system and/or hospital emergency departments.

C.O.A.S.T. is not…

  • an emergency / rapid response service.
  • crisis negotiators
  • a response to violent individuals or individuals in possession of weapons
  • first responders

Who can be referred to C.O.A.S.T.?

  • Someone who has a history of chronic and persistent mental illness with frequent police and/or emergency room visits
  • Someone who is at risk of arrest or hospitalization because of inappropriate or unusual behaviour
  • Someone who is experiencing a decline in mental health that negatively affects day-to-day functioning. Often includes isolating from family, friends and service providers
  • Someone who is reluctant or unable to access services and no longer has contact with a health support system

Goals of C.O.A.S.T.

  • To prevent further crises and facilitate referrals to appropriate community service providers
  • To divert from the criminal justice system and when necessary to facilitate court support service
  • To divert from hospital emergency departments

Please contact the LaSalle Police Service Community Outreach And Support Team if you have any questions or concerns regarding a family member or loved one.

Call 911 for immediate assistance in emergency situations.

Team members:

Senior Constable Bonnie Racine

519-969-5210 Ext. 2541


H.D.G.H. Social Worker Stephanie Robinson

519 250-5048


Internet Purchase Exchange Zone

LaSalle Police Service

1880 Normandy Street,

LaSalle, ON

N9H 1P8

519-969-5210 ext. 300

In the case of an emergency, please call 9-1-1

An Internet Purchase Exchange Zone has been created in the LaSalle Police Service visitor parking lot at 1880 Normandy Street, LaSalle. While we have always welcomed the public to use our lot for exchanges, we have added signage to notify the public of its availability and location as a safer option to meet for their transactions. All areas of this lot are recorded on video surveillance at all times.


The Exchange Zone aims to increase safety by providing a visible, public space near a police facility and to provide some additional peace of mind to those who are buying, selling or trading property or goods.

If you are meeting people while finalizing online transactions, we encourage you to use our Exchange Zone.

If you are unable to meet at our Exchange Zone, insist on completing your transactions in well-lit, public, and popular locations, preferably where other members of the public are present, to avoid becoming a victim of crime.

Police Role

Please be aware that there will be no police involvement in these exchanges, nor will we mediate, document, or be a witness to private transactions. Officers will only intervene if requested or if the transaction becomes a criminal matter.

Police cannot use the Police computer system to run model numbers, serial numbers, etc. of items that are part of a private exchange unless there is an investigation initiated into a criminal matter.

For officer and public safety please do not bring any firearms or weapons into the lobby of the Police station.

Tips to protect yourself during a buy and sell exchange:

  • Trust your instincts. Stop. Pause. Think. If something seems too good to be true, it likely is.
  • Limit the amount of personal information you provide, including where you live or work.
  • Take your cell phone with you.
  • Complete your transaction during daytime hours.
  • Do not carry large sums of cash.
  • Don’t go alone. Use the buddy system when possible. Bring a family or friend with you, or at the very least, let someone know who you will be meeting, the time, and the location of the exchange.
  • Be cautious when buying/selling high-value items.
  • Where possible communicate via email so that a record is kept.
  • To reduce the potential of falling victim to fraud, never complete a buy-and-sell transaction by mail.
  • When meeting in person, always inspect the goods you wish to purchase before giving money to the seller.

To ensure that you are not buying stolen goods, purchasers are encouraged to use the Canadian Police Information Centre’s online database (www.cpic-cipc.ca) to search the serial number of the item they are looking to purchase. This is a free service that is available to the public.

Fentanyl Information for Parents and Caregivers

We need your help!

Many of you have probably heard about the rise in overdose deaths related to fentanyl throughout Ontario. A large number of people who have died were not even aware they were taking fentanyl – you can’t smell it, taste it or see it. These were not hardened drug addicts either. They were recreational drug users, youth, and business professionals.

We are starting to see an increase in fentanyl use and overdoses in our youth, and we are very concerned. Fentanyl can be 40 to 50 times more toxic than heroin. Many teens seem to feel invincible and believe terrible things only happen to other people, which can make it a challenge for them to hear the safety message we’re trying to share.

What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a fast-acting synthetic opiate that’s estimated to be 100 times more potent than morphine. It has legitimate clinical uses for treating chronic pain but is extremely dangerous when consumed illicitly.

Other drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine are sometimes mixed with Fentanyl, either intentionally or unintentionally. You can’t see it, smell it or taste it, but if fentanyl is mixed with other drugs, it may be fatal.

Fentanyl comes as a white, beige, or brown powder or can be pressed to resemble prescription pills. Users dilute and heat fentanyl and then inject it (or they snort or smoke the drug).

Fentanyl can also come in the form of a prescription patch as seen below.

Fentanyl can slow breathing which may result in an overdose or death. Naloxone can reverse the effects; however, medical attention should be immediately sought.

We believe that parents and caregivers have an important influence in their children’s lives, and you can play a critical role in keeping your children safe.

What can you do?

Understandably, most teens want to make their own independent decisions. Let them know you are giving them the facts to help them make an informed choice about their safety and the safety of others. Thankfully, only a small number of our teens are at risk for overdose, but every parent who receives that kind of devastating news is surprised that it has happened to their child. Sometimes, despite our best efforts at parenting, teens give in to curiosity and peer pressure or may engage in risky behaviour.

By having a conversation with our kids, we decrease the risk that this may happen to them and we increase the chance they could prevent it from happening to a friend. Let’s work together to make sure everyone has the information and support needed to make healthy and safe choices.

Advise them to call 9-1-1 if they see these signs of overdose in any of their friends:

  • severe sleepiness
  • slow heartbeat
  • trouble breathing or not breathing
  • slow, shallow breathing or snoring
  • cold, clammy skin
  • trouble walking or talking

Friendships are a very important part of our kids’ lives. Encourage them to look out for their friends, share information about the dangers of fentanyl, and support their friends in making good decisions.

Talk to your children. Don’t assume they are using drugs, but don’t assume they’re not. Stay calm and focus on discussing these facts:

They may not know they are taking fentanyl – they cannot see it, smell it, or taste it, but it can kill them

Fentanyl is cut into other drugs, like cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and oxycodone

Fentanyl may be in pill, powder, or liquid form

Trying any of these drugs even just one time could kill them if they’re cut with fentanyl


Parents Guide to Fentanyl




The following local treatment facilities are available for persons suffering from substance abuse:

Erie – St. Clair Clinic

1574 Lincoln Rd.



Brentwood Recovery

2335 Dougall Rd.



Withdrawal Management Services

1453 Prince Rd.




The following resources can be viewed if you would like to receive further information regarding the use & effects of fentanyl:

How fentanyl kills: A CBC News explainer

Reducing Fentanyl Related Harms in the City of Windsor

What are opioids?

Why are opioids a concern for youth?

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

How Can I Protect My Child from Fentanyl?

If you have information regarding persons involved in the illegal sale of fentanyl, we urge you to either contact your local police or Crime Stoppers 519-258-8477 www.catchcrooks.com

Train Track Safety

The LaSalle Police Service, LaSalle Fire Service, and the Essex Terminal Railway are partnering in this very important message regarding safety along our railways.

The ETR tracks run through LaSalle from Highway 18 to Malden Road. The tracks and the property adjacent to the tracks are private property, owned by the ETR and posted as no trespassing. Using the tracks as throughways for pedestrian, ATV, or snowmobile traffic or ignoring crossing signals while driving your automobile is not only illegal but dangerous. Trains cannot stop even when it is apparent that a collision may be imminent. Vehicles travelling along the ETR tracks disturb the aggregate under and around the wooden ties that hold the tracks in place which could result in a derailment or disaster.

On May 18, 2022, Senior Constable Bonnie Racine, Firefighter Chad Thibert, and Sgt. Mike Agostinis worked with members of the ETR to bring their message forward. This included photos as well as an invitation to travel in a newly retrofitted locomotive. From here we were able to see the world through the eyes of an engineer and hear their perspective.

“Within minutes of moving along the tracks, I felt uneasy with what I was seeing in front of the engine. Cars and Semi-trucks still crossing and even stopped on the tracks despite the crossing signals clearly activated and the train whistle being blown by Ken our engineer. I turned to another engineer and told him I already felt uneasy with what I was seeing ahead and he simply said, “Every day this job is stressful”. We chatted until we reached our destination and the stories of near misses left me wondering how many stories they just didn’t want to talk about. These folks go to work like everyone else in the morning and like everyone else just wants to do their jobs and return happy and healthy to their friends and families at the end of the day. It opened my eyes and it turned the locomotive from just being a machine to something more human.” – Sgt. Agostinis.

Please stay off the ETR property and help us avoid a tragedy.

A special thanks to the Essex Terminal Railway and all their employees for giving us a peek into their world and for keeping our goods moving into and around our country.

Here is a link from CBC News of three young people almost being struck by a train in Milton Ontario: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/go-train-nearly-hitting-three-young-people-milton-1.6470572

All-Terrain Vehicles and Off-Road Vehicles Safety

An All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV) is an Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) that:

  • Has four wheels, the tires of which are all low pressure and in contact with the ground;
  • Has steering handlebars;
  • Has a seat that is designed to be straddled by the driver;
  • Is designed to carry a driver only and no passengers; and,
  • Meets the requirements of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA), the Ontario Regulation of the Highway Traffic Act, and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

The following are not considered ATVs, but instead, types of ORVs:

  • passenger designed ATVs (also known as a two-up);
  • side-by-sides (SxS);
  • utility terrain vehicle (UTV);
  • dune buggies;
  • off-road dirt bikes, etc.

Safety Tips

  • It is always a good idea to wear a helmet when operating your ATV. On-premises other than property owned by the vehicle owner, a helmet must be worn. Drivers should ensure their helmet meets the standards of the Highway Traffic Act, e.g. helmets certified by DOT, SNELL, or other agencies that meet the standards.
  • Take a course to learn proper ATV operation and maintenance. Visit the Canada Safety Council for a list of available courses.
  • Read your owner’s manual before operating your ATV and be sure to follow safe operating procedures.
  • No alcohol or drugs should be consumed while operating an ATV.
  • Do not operate an ATV at excessive speeds. Choose appropriate speeds based on the terrain, visibility, conditions and your experience.
  • While operating your ATV, wear appropriate protective clothing.

More information: Off-Road Vehicles Act


By law, all ATVs must be registered with the Ministry of Transportation, even if operated only on your property. A one-time fee is payable at a Driver and Vehicle Licence Issuing Office. A licence plate and registration permit are provided together with mounting instructions.

ATVs may not be registered to anyone under the age of 16.

Driver Requirements

Persons under 12 years of age are not permitted to operate an ATV except on the owner’s property or trails while under the close supervision of an adult.

Persons between the ages of 12 and 15 years of age are permitted to operate an ATV unsupervised on public or private trails.

If crossing the road on an ATV, the driver must have a valid G2/G driver’s licence or an M2/M motorcycle licence.

A helmet meeting the standards of the Highway Traffic Act must be worn when operating an ATV on premises other than property owned by the vehicle owner (i.e. helmets certified by DOT, SNELL, or other agencies that meet the standards).

Driver Liability

Both the owner and operator of an ATV (or parents if applicable) are responsible for any violations of the Highway Traffic Act and are liable for any injury or property damage caused by the vehicle.


The law requires that ATVs be insured under a motor vehicle liability policy. In Ontario, this means an automobile insurance policy. Both the owner and the driver are liable for injuries or property damage arising out of the operation of an ATV.

Personal, Universal, and Farm Liability Policies are not considered motor vehicle liability policies in accordance with the Insurance Act. Personal and farm liability policies usually exclude “the operation of any vehicle subject to motor vehicle registration” such as ATVs. Therefore they would offer no protection or defence against legal action.

Before operating your ATV, verify your coverage with your insurance company.

ATVs and Children

Many ATV-related injuries are caused by children using adult-size ATVs as there is a drastic difference in weight between the child and the machine. Also, ATVs have a high centre of gravity, making them more likely to roll over and land on the rider.

Manufacturers of adult-size ATVs prohibit children under 16 from operating their machines. When choosing an ATV for your child, it is important to review the ATV’s specifications and to take into consideration your child’s size and skill level.

For safety reasons, operators under 16 years of age are not permitted to cross the road. You must possess a driver’s licence to cross the road. Also, ATVs may not be registered to anyone under the age of 16. See also DRIVER REQUIREMENTS on laws on youth operating ATVs.

Impaired Driving

It is against the law to operate an off-road vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. ATV operators can be charged for drinking and driving like any motor vehicle such as cars, trucks, boats etc.

Visitors to Ontario

Can those visiting Ontario operate their ATVs during their visit? What if they don’t have a licence plate for their ATV?

A temporary trip permit cannot be issued for ATVs however visitors can operate their ATV in Ontario for a period of up to three months, provided they carry the original or a true copy of the vehicle registration or Certificate of Title for their ATV. In addition, visitors must have proof of insurance and a driver’s licence.

A licence plate is not required on an ATV if the location where the visitor resides does not require one.


Here are some guidelines that we ask that ATV, ORV or Snowmobile owners and riders read before venturing out.

Private Property

Most property in the Town of LaSalle is privately owned. This includes farm fields.

If you do not have the consent of the property owner to be on their property or travel across their property then you are TRESPASSING.

If you trespass and cause damage to their property you may be held civilly and criminally responsible.

Town Property

  • As per Section 4.1(1) of Ontario Regulation 316/03 under the Highway traffic Act of Ontario, ATVs and ORVs are permitted to be operated on municipal highways/roadways if the municipality creates a by-law that permits this activity.
  • The Town of LaSalle has NOT created such a by-law therefore;
  • The Town of LaSalle DOES NOT permit ATVs, ORVs or Snowmobiles to be operated on Town-owned lands, trails, sidewalks or roadways.
  • Where can ATVs, ORVs and Snowmobiles be legally operated in the Town of LaSalle? The short answer is; on any property that you own or any property where you have permission to operate them.

Farm Fields

While an open field may seem like a great place to harmlessly operate an ATV, ORV or Snowmobile it is also a great place for our farmers to raise crops and support their families. Unfortunately, both cannot occur simultaneously in the same place.

  • Every farm field in the Town of LaSalle is privately owned.
  • The owners/farmers rely on the income from the yield of that crop.
  • Every plant that is destroyed by being run over or torn up by vehicles is money directly out of their pocket and causes an undue financial burden to the farmer.
  • Farmers often plant crops over the winter such as winter wheat that may not be visible under the snow. Driving over the plants crushes and kills the crops.
  • The bottom line is, this is private property and unless you have permission to be on or travel across these properties you are TRESPASSING.
  • If you trespass and cause damage to their property or crops you may be held civilly and criminally responsible.

Essex Terminal Railway Tracks

While this location may seem like an innocuous location to operate ATV’s, ORV’s or Snowmobiles, there are several factors to consider which include;

  • The railroad tracks and land adjacent to the railroad tracks are owned by Essex Terminal Railway and are therefore PRIVATE PROPERTY.
  • There are NO TRESPASSING signs posted intermittently along the ETR corridor.
  • If you are found on this property for ANY purpose and without the permission of ETR, then you are TRESPASSING.
  • Anyone caught trespassing may be charged and their information forwarded to the ETR who may send a registered letter of trespass to the individual.
  • Vehicles travelling along the ETR tracks disturb the aggregate under and around the wooden ties that hold the tracks in place which could result in a train derailment.
  • Placing any object on the tracks or deliberately disturbing, modifying or damaging the tracks or ETR property could result in a criminal charge.
  • Many homes abut this corridor that must endure the endless noise of off-road vehicles throughout the year.
  • These homeowners are being deprived of the rightful enjoyment of their property.
  • The ultimate message is to help prevent a disaster and respect the laws by staying off ETR property.

Potential Charges

Anyone operating their ATV, ORV or Snowmobile on private property may face charges under the trespass to property act, the Off-Road Vehicles Act or the Motorized Snow Vehicles Act.

If any damage occurs to another person’s or business’s property, the person responsible may be held civilly liable and may be charged criminally with Mischief.

Anyone who does not stop for a police officer when directed to do so can expect to be charged with the criminal offence of Flight under Section 249.1(1) of the Criminal Code.

*It is not worth compounding what may be a warning or a ticket into a criminal offence.

Before operating your ATV, ORV or Snowmobile in the Town of LaSalle you MUST ask yourself:

  • Am I complying with ALL pertinent legislation whether it be By-Laws, Provincial Law and Criminal Law?
  • Am I safely operating my ATV or ORV?
  • Am I creating a dangerous situation for myself or others?
  • Am I being considerate and neighbourly, taking into consideration how my actions may affect other residents?

Please respect all laws, regulations, and safety guidelines at all times when operating any off-road vehicles.

For more information on laws and requirements for these vehicles please visit:

Drive and ATV or Snowmobile – Ontario

Where you can Ride – Ontario

The Bottom Line:

  • If you see a no trespassing sign, don’t trespass. Certain areas do not require the posting of no trespassing signs and are automatically known in law as no trespassing such as farm fields.
  • It is your responsibility to operate your ATV, ORV or Snowmobile ONLY where you have permission or on lands that you own.
  • If you are confronted by a property owner and asked to leave then you must do so immediately.
  • Be considerate.
  • Follow the rules and guidelines.
  • And never operate an ATV, ORV or Snowmobile after consuming drugs or alcohol.

Stay Safe!

EBikes, Mopeds, Scooters

Wheel Chairs and Medical Scooters, Person Mobility Devices

  • Persons in motorized wheel chairs, wheel chairs and medical scooters are considered to be pedestrians.
  • A sidewalk should be the first choice for someone using a wheelchair or medical scooter.
  • If there are no sidewalks available, people using wheelchairs or personal mobility devices should travel, like pedestrians, along the left shoulder of the roadway facing oncoming traffic.
  • When there is no sidewalk the person should return to the sidewalk at the first available opportunity.


  • Operators must be 16yrs of age.
  • ALL operators MUST wear an approved bicycle or motorcycle helmet.
  • Ebikes may be operated anywhere a bicycle can be ridden
  • An Owner of an e-bike or is in possession or control of an e-bike shall not permit a person who is under the age of 16 yrs to ride on, drive or operate the e-bike on a highway.
  • An e-bike must not be ridden on, driven or operated unless it is good working order.
  • Similar to bicycles and mopeds, power-assisted bicycles are prohibited from use on certain provincial controlled – access highways.
  • Any municipal by-law prohibiting bicycles from highways under their jurisdiction also apply to e-bikes. Municipalities may also pass by-laws specific to e-bikes that prohibit them from municipal roads, sidewalks, bike paths, bike trails and bike lanes under their jurisdiction.

Mopeds and Scooters

  • Are classified as vehicles and have to be licence, insurance and registration. Operated on a highway.

For further information click here


Trespass To Property

Fishing or Boating in LaSalle Canals

Can I Fish or Boat Wherever I Want in LaSalle or am I trespassing?

Boaters and fishermen often look for that special fishing spot or just out for a cruise or paddle but beware, not every body of water is public property.

Every so often, the LaSalle Police Service receives and responds to complaints of boaters and fishermen trespassing in canals and marinas within the Town of LaSalle.

The boaters are generally asked to leave the canal or property by the property owner and move on but sometimes an argument ensues over the boater’s right to go wherever the water goes. Many people believe that a person cannot “own” the water and therefore the boater is not trespassing if they are not touching the ground or surrounding property.

While there is some truth that which is laid out in the Federal Legislation – Canadian Navigable Waterways Act, there is more to consider…

Under the Navigable Waterways Act, no person, landowner, or otherwise, can restrict the free passage of a vessel from one navigable waterway to another navigable waterway.

The question is “What is a Navigable Waterway”?

In essence, the test for navigability, developed in Canada, is one of public utility. If a waterway has real or potential practical value to the public as a means of travel or transport from one point of public access to another point of public access, the waterway is considered navigable.

For example, the Detroit River is, by definition, a navigable waterway and is available for public use. Regarding all of the canals and marinas in LaSalle along the Detroit River, they are NOT naturally occurring. Most, if not all, were man-made and dug into, or out of existing properties for exclusive use by the landowner. They only have one (not two) point of public access, that being where the canal meets the river and does not lead to any other navigable waterway. Therefore, the canals and marinas in LaSalle are NOT considered navigable waterways as per the legislation and the landowner or occupant has the right to restrict access to the canal.

It is within the landowner’s or occupant’s right to post no trespassing or prohibited activity signs or to simply demand a boater or fisherman to leave immediately. Failure to comply with this demand is a violation of the Trespass to Property Act and could result in charges.

  • If you are asked to leave by the property owner you must do so immediately.
  • If you see a no trespassing sign or a sign prohibiting the activity you are engaging in, leave.
  • When in doubt, ask permission.
  • If you do have permission, it is advisable to get it in writing.

Always remain respectful and if you’re not sure, ask.

Off-Road/All Terrain Vehicles

The LaSalle Police Service has received several complaints from citizens regarding people operating off-road/all-terrain vehicles inappropriately. Laws governing these vehicles stipulate that they must be covered with an insurance contract and they must be plated. The operator must wear an approved helmet and carry with them, proof of ownership and insurance. These vehicles can be operated on your own property or on someone else’s property with permission. If they are being used on property other than the owner’s property, the driver must have written permission and if not the operator is in breach of the Trespass to Property Act and liable to be charged and fined. The LaSalle Police will enforce all the provincial statutes related to using all-terrain vehicles. Some of the offences can result in fines as high as $5,000.00 for first-time offences.

The Essex Terminal Railway is concerned with the number of vehicles and pedestrians using the property along their railroad tracks. They have posted signs and barricades to restrict people from using that property. Any use whatsoever of the property along the Essex Terminal Railway tracks is prohibited and persons found on the property will be subject to arrest and fines as prescribed under the Trespass to Property Act.

The Essex Terminal Railway does not want any unauthorized people on their property.

Fines under the Trespass to Property Act:

Enter premises when entry prohibited Fine (sec 2(1)(a)(i))        $65.00
Engage in prohibited activity on premises Fine (sec 2(1)(a)(ii))  $65.00
Fail to leave premises when directed Fine (sec 2(1)(b))             $65.00

Hunting/Discharging of Firearms in the Town of LaSalle

The Lasalle Police Service wishes to issue a reminder regarding the Town of LaSalle’s strict regulations governing the discharge of firearms within its boundaries. According to Bylaw #5304 of the Town of LaSalle, it is explicitly prohibited for any individual to discharge firearms, including but not limited to guns, air guns, spring guns, crossbows, longbows, or any class or type thereof, within the town limits.

There are, however, specific exemptions to this rule, notably for Fighting Island and the Detroit River, where discharge is allowed only when hunters are shooting away from land towards the water. It should be noted that there is no specified distance from the shoreline for hunters, but hunters must be on the water, not on land, to legally engage in hunting within LaSalle. In the interest of safety, no firearm should ever be discharged towards or along the shoreline.

Hunting in LaSalle is generally restricted to waterfowl such as goose and duck for which the seasons open during September and close in January.

Hunters should also be aware that HUNTING ON ANY SUNDAY IS PROHIBITED throughout the Town of Lasalle.

Furthermore, hunters are urged to exercise heightened vigilance and awareness for boaters, and other persons who may also be present and enjoying the waterways.

In addition to adhering to these regulations, hunters bear both ethical and legal responsibilities to use their firearms safely. Any unsafe or careless use of firearms may result in potential charges under the Criminal Code, which could be considered in conjunction with, or as an alternative to, Town of LaSalle Bylaw violations.

Any violation of these bylaws may result in significant consequences, including fines of up to $5,000 upon conviction. Compliance with these regulations is of utmost importance to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents and visitors in the Town of LaSalle.

The Town of LaSalle hunting district is Zone 94A. Additional information on waterfowl seasons can be found here:


For more information, please contact Senior Constable Terry Seguin, Community Liaison Officer at 519-969-5210 ext. 2031.

Automated Licence Plate Reader System

The LaSalle Police Service will soon be deploying an Automatic Licence Plate Recognition System equipped vehicle. The system was recently purchased using funds received through a provincial grant to combat Human Trafficking. The system will be in use in areas where Human Trafficking may be occurring as well as other areas of the Town of LaSalle. The Automated Licence Plate Recognition System (ALPRS), which is installed on a marked police cruiser, automatically scans licence plates up to 20 metres away. The system will alert officers of stolen plates and vehicles, plates registered to suspended drivers, expired permits and other offences. The system will also notify officers of missing and wanted persons and vehicles associated to AMBER alerts.

The information is stored in a “hotlist” and is information that is already available to officers if they were to run your licence plate on the computer in their car themselves; it does not give police access to any new information.

The Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) has released guides on the use of ALPR systems by police. This report ensures that our use of this new technology respects your privacy rights recognized under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and that we handle your personal information in a lawful manner. Prior to implementing the ALPRS, a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) will be conducted to assess the potential impact its use could have on your privacy.

Our collection, retention, use and disclosure of any personal information obtained from the ALPRS program is done so in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it look like?

Cameras are mounted on the roof of the cruiser (Marked Ford Explorer) Two cameras point forward and one points to the rear.

What is a Hotlist?

A hotlist is a list of licence plates that have been identified by our Service, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) or the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) as being of interest to police.

What Plates get added to a “Hot List”

A plate can be added to the hotlist for many reasons including, but not limited to:

  • stolen vehicles
  • stolen licence plates
  • expired permits
  • no insurance
  • if the owner of the licence plate is:
  • a suspended driver
  • wanted
  • missing
  • the subject of an open and active criminal investigation

What is a hit ?

A hit happens when a scanned licence plate matches a plate on a hotlist.

What is a Non-Hit?

A non-hit happens when a scanned licence plate does not match a plate on a hotlist.

What happens when a licence plate is scanned? Is information stored in the system?

If your licence plate is a non-hit, the officer will not even be notified that your plate was scanned. All information related to a non-hit is deleted.

If your licence plate is a hit, the officer will receive a notification of the hit and will receive basic information about the vehicle and the registered owner such as the make, model and colour of the vehicle, and the name, gender and date of birth of the owner.

The officer must then stop the vehicle and verify all information within the hit before taking any enforcement action. Hit information is retained in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

Can the camera take video or pictures of anything else?

The camera does not record video, and does not save or analyze pictures of anything that is not a licence plate. It cannot be used to detect moving violations, such as speeding, going through a red light or stop sign, and distracted driving. The cameras are angled downward to capture licence plates only, not the driver or any passengers in the motor vehicle.

Child Seat Inspections

The LaSalle Police Service has officers that are trained and certified by the Child Passenger Safety Association of Canada in the inspection of child seats in vehicles. Our goal is to ensure that all children are safe and secure while traveling on our roadways.

If you would like to schedule an appointment to have a child seat inspected by one of our trained officers please contact our communication centre at (519) 969-5210

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for information on upcoming child seat inspection clinics.

For more information on child car seat requirements in Ontario click Choosing a Child Car Seat – Ontario

Car seat recalls

You can find car seat recalls for safety issues — including manufacturer information and models — by visiting Transport Canada.

Here is some additional information from CPSAC on child seats


Street Checks

Changes to policing in effect: What you need to know

As of January 1, 2017, police must follow new rules for street checks. A street, sometimes referred to as carding, is when a police officer asks someone for identifying information in a particular type of situation.

The new rules apply if an officer asks you to identify yourself when they are:

  • looking into suspicious activities
  • gathering intelligence
  • investigating general criminal activity in the community

The new rules do not apply if the officer is:

  • talking to a driver during a traffic stop
  • arresting or detaining you
  • executing a warrant
  • investigation a specific crime

If a police officer asks you for ID in a situation when the rules apply, they must:

  • have a reason, which cannot be:
    • based on race
    • arbitrary (not meaningful)
    • only because you are in a high-crime area
    • because you refused to answer a question or walked away
  • tell you why they want your identifying information
  • tell you that you can refuse to give identifying information
  • offer you a receipt - even if you refuse to share information - that includes:
    • the officer's name
    • the officer's badge number
    • how to contact the Office of the Independent Police Review Director, which handles complaints about police in Ontario
    • who to contact to access personal information about you that the police service has on file
  • keep detailed records of their interaction with you.

In rare cases, if following the rules above could negatively affect an investigation, threaten public safety or force officers to reveal confidential information, police officers may not have to:

  • tell you why they are asking for information (e.g. the reason involves a tip from a confidential informant)
  • tell you that you have the right to refuse giving ID (e.g. the officer suspects a car passenger may be a victim of human trafficking)
  • give you a receipt from the interaction (e.g. the officer receives an urgent call for service and must quickly end the interaction).

In these cases, the officer must record their reason for not following the rule.

Get more information at ontario.ca/streetchecks

Independent Legal Advice for Survivors of Sexual Assault Program

Sexual assault is a crime. Sexual assault takes many forms. It is any unwanted sexual contact. It does not have to include intercourse.

You have been sexually assaulted if someone forces you to participate in any type of sexual activity without your consent. A lawyer can help you make an informed decision about your next steps.

Free legal advice program

Ontario provides victims of sexual assault with free legal advice any time after the incident, regardless of how much time has passed.

How the program works

  • Legal advice is provided by phone or by video chat.
  • Eligible victims will receive a voucher and a list of lawyers to choose from.
  • The voucher provides two hours of legal advice. If a victim requires more time, they can ask for two additional hours.
  • In Toronto, survivors who identify as women and people with non-binary gender identity who would benefit from a women-centred space can access the program at the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic.
  • The lawyer will only provide legal advice, not representation (the lawyer cannot speak for a victim in court).
  • Advice could cover topics like reporting to the police, going through the criminal court process or deciding to start a lawsuit.


The program is available to all eligible women, men, trans and gender-diverse people.

Victims of sexual assault are eligible if:

  • they are at least 16 years of age and live in Ontario, and
  • the sexual assault happened in Ontario.

Accessing the program

Online: https://www.ontario.ca/page/independent-legal-advice-sexual-assault-victims

Toll-free: 1-855-226-3904

For the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic call: 416-323-9149

Frequently asked questions

Why would I want or need independent legal advice?

Independent legal advice can inform you about different legal options, such as reporting to the police, suing in civil court or applying for compensation, to help you decide what you want to do.

This advice can also help:

  • if you want to discuss your situation in confidence with a lawyer before talking to the police
  • if your case is going to trial in criminal court and you have personal concerns that you wish to discuss with a lawyer not associated with your case.

Do I have to report the sexual assault to the police before I talk to a lawyer?

No. You can talk to a lawyer even if you have not made your decision about reporting the incident to police.

You may also benefit from other supports and services that can be accessed by calling the Victim Support Line, toll-free at 1-888-579-2888, or in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), 416-314-2447.

I was sexually assaulted when I was a child. Is it too late to talk to a lawyer now?

In the criminal justice system, there is no time limit to coming forward. For civil actions, the limitation period was recently changed, and you can now come forward at any time.

My case is going to trial soon. Can I still get this legal advice?

Yes, you can. The only restriction is that the lawyer you choose cannot represent you in court.

I don’t meet the eligibility requirements for this program. Can I still access a lawyer if I can’t afford to pay?

The following resources can help you find a lawyer:

  • Legal Aid Ontario www.legalaid.on.ca
    • Toll-free: 1-800-668-8258
    • GTA: 416-979-1446
  • Law Society of Ontario Referral Service www.findlegalhelp.ca
  • Pro Bono Ontario www.probonoontario.org
  • JusticeNet www.justicenet.ca

What other supports are available for survivors of sexual assault?

Victim Support Line

Toll-free: 1-888-579-2888

GTA: 416-314-2447

Chat Online option, Monday to Friday from 7 am to 9 pm.

Support line for male survivors

Toll-free: 1-866-887-0015

For a complete list of supports, visit ontario.ca/victimservices

Family Information Liaison Units

Learn how Family Information Liaison Units can support family members of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.


If you are a family member of an Indigenous woman or girl who is missing or has been murdered, you can receive support through the Family Information Liaison Units (FILU).

FILU staff can help you by:

  • gathering information about police investigations, court proceedings, and coroner’s reports related to your loved one’s case
  • coordinating with similar units in other provinces and territories to obtain information about your loved one
  • connecting you with Indigenous Elders, Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, Healers, and other trauma-informed and counseling supports

All FILU services are provided in a culturally safe and respectful manner. The FILU staff are Indigenous community members with years of experience. They understand the historical context of violence against Indigenous women and girls and can support the unique needs of families who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

Support is available to you no matter how much time has passed since losing your loved one.

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls

Family Information Liaison Units operate independently from the federal government’s National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Families can access FILU services regardless of their participation in the federal inquiry.

Tanya Debassige
Family Information Liaison Unit
Indigenous Justice Division, Ministry of the Attorney General
Tel: 706-561-6451

Offices are located in:

  • Toronto
  • Sioux Lookout
  • Sudbury
  • Thunder Bay

If you do not live near a FILU office, you can call 1-844-888-8610 to arrange for FILU staff to travel to your area.

Mission Statement Contact Us Popular Links Social Media
Our Sole Mission is to Protect Lives and Property of the Citizens We Serve, Provide a Safe Community, Improve Quality of Life and Prevent Crime While Working in Partnership With the Community

LaSalle Police Service

1880 Normandy St.
LaSalle, Ontario
N9H 1P8

Phone: 519-969-5210
Fax: 519-969-2662


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