Town of LaSalle Council passes specific by-laws regulating areas such as the licensing of dogs, parking, zoning, signs, and noise. By-law Enforcement ensures these regulations are followed to safeguard public health, protect the environment, and keep the community safe and enjoyable.
By-law enforcement responsibilities include:
Note: Anonymous complaints will not be processed. Your personal information and identity will stay private, but we need it to investigate your complaint. Your personal details will not be shared with council or non-essential municipal staff and kept confidential according to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
By-law Enforcement ensures the following By-laws and applicable legislation are followed:
The Planning and Development Department is responsible for enforcing the Town’s By-laws based on complaints received. Each complaint must include the following information for it to be investigated:
When a complaint is received about a possible By-law violation, it will be checked and investigated. If no violation is found, the person who made the complaint will be informed.
If a violation is found, a detailed investigation will start. During this investigation, the municipality cannot share information with the person who submitted the complaint. The person submitting the complaint will be notify when a penalty is issued or compliance is gained. Please be patient, as these investigations can take some time.
Residents and businesses wishing to file a By-law enforcement complaint can do so by submitting a written complaint to the Town's Compliance Officer in the following ways:
Rental Unit Maintenance |
Complaints related to rental unit maintenance can only be made by current tenants. Please use the Tenant Complaint about Maintenance form, if applicable. |
Zoning |
Send an email to Ryan Tufts, Planning Technician, or call 519-969-7770 ext. 1252. |
What can I expect after making a complaint? |
You can expect:
Note: By-law Enforcement Officers will contact a complainant if more information is required for investigative or enforcement purposes. For purposes of privacy and independent investigation, By-law Enforcement Officers do not provide updates as to how an investigation is proceeding. |
What is an Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMP System)? |
An AMP System is a municipally administered program that replaces the current Court system with a faster, more flexible, and customer focused adjudication process for Municipal offences. One of the main objectives of an AMP System is to create a simple, accessible, fair, and cost-effective system for dealing with violations.
The AMP system is used in many municipalities. In Ontario, municipal AMPs are legislated under the Municipal Act, 2001. This system helps the over-burdened courts by streamlining the process and allowing municipalities to handle minor by-law infractions. |
My neighbour has a tree that overhangs my property. May I cut the branches that overhang my property? |
The Town of LaSalle does not deal with trees on private property. You should seek legal advice to determine whether or not you may remove branches that overhang your property.
If there is a tree that poses a danger or needs trimming on Town property, these matters will be addressed by the Public Works Department, please report to 519-969-7770 ext. 5013 or Customer Service Portal. On the Customer Service portal form, select: Roads (pot holes, signage, trees) in the Issue/Request Type. |
What won't the Town investigate or respond to? |
Town of LaSalle staff will not take complaints nor respond to calls regarding:
You don't need to be an expert in all municipal by-laws. When you call or email the Town, staff will inform you if your concern(s) supports a by-law complaint or investigation. |
Can I let my dog off its leash at a park or along a trail? |
No. Dogs are not allowed to run-at-large. This means they need to be on a leash, no longer than 6 feet, when off their owner's property. This applies to walks, parks, and other public areas. The only exception is at designated dog off leash areas. Visit the LaSalle Dog Park web page for information about the park located within the Vollmer Culture and Recreation Complex property. |
Does LaSalle Police enforce by-laws and provincial laws, including the Provincial Offences Act and the Dog Owner’s Liability Act? |
Yes. The LaSalle Police Service can enforce by-laws, and do so when the Town By-law Enforcement Officer is unavailable. They can issue tickets and charge people who break the rules. The Provincial Offences Act helps decide what happens when someone breaks a law in Ontario. It gives By-law Enforcement Officers and the LaSalle Police Service the power to issue tickets and lay charges. The Dog Owners’ Liability Act allows them to charge dog owners if their dog bites or attacks someone. |
My neighbour's grass is too long. Is that permitted? |
The municipality regulates long grass and weeds. Grass and weeds should not be taller than 8 inches in height pursuant to the Clean Yard By-law. |
My neighbour's yard is full of waste. Is that permitted? |
The municipality regulates the condition of properties which addresses a wide variety of domestic waste, industrial waste, and derelict vehicles. For more information, refer to the Clean Yard By-law. |