Women's hands typing on a cellphone

Welcome to the Stay Connected web page. The Strategy and Engagement Department is focused on keeping you informed about the Town of LaSalle. Take a look around this page to learn about all the ways we share information with you. 


Receive all the current Town news and announcements when you subscribe to our website News page. Subscribers receive emailed news releases as soon as they are posted. Do you have a favourite page on our website? Or is there a topic you want to follow? At the bottom of each web page, you can subscribe with your email address and you will receive an emailed message when we update that page.  Give it a try! A popular one is the Cancellations and Changes page to receive sport field status changes and updates when scheduling changes occur at the Vollmer Complex.


Subscribe to our monthly Stay Connected, LaSalle! E-Newsletter to have our electronic newsletter emailed directly to your inbox each month. 

The LaSalle Messenger is a traditional, printed newsletter that is published once in spring/summer and once in fall/winter. This communication is delivered by Canada Post and arrives direct to all Town of LaSalle mailboxes twice per year.  Click the images below for an electronic version:

Social Media

Stay connected and up to date with what is happening in the Town of LaSalle! Follow our official TwitterInstagramFacebookYouTube, and LinkedIn sites. You will find information about the latest news and events happening in and around our Town and find photos and videos you can like and share. Click the social media icons at the bottom of this page and join the conversation.

Get Involvedwaterfront, trees, path, lampost

The Get Involved section of our web page is all about community engagement. Share your thoughts and opinions with us on Town of LaSalle projects, policies, and initiatives. Together we can make a difference in the community where we live, work, and play.

The Town uses Placespeak, as a community engagement portal. Create an account to participate and then explore local topics in our Town and across the region.  

Customer Service Portal

civic centre building

The Town of LaSalle is committed to providing a high level of service to our community. Submit your requests, concerns, or comments electronically. When you submit through the portal, your message will be sent to Town staff and you will receive a tracking number for your service request.

This is the best way to reach the Town of LaSalle in order to receive timely and tracked responses.  More information and the portal link can be found on the Customer Service Request page.

Promote Your Event

We are happy to assist in the promotion of community events hosted and/or sponsored by non-profit organization or events held at a Town of LaSalle facility and are open to the public. Here are some options to help you share your message and further your campaign reach.

  • Community Events Calendar - Add your event to the Events Calendar on our website. Use the 'Submit Event' button to start the process. 
  • Social media - Tag us on social media (LaSalle Events Facebook page, Town of LaSalle Instagram). We will review and share on our pages when applicable and possible. 
  • Share with us - Promote your event on our lobby screens (Civic Centre, Event Centre, and Vollmer Centre). Graphic size: 1024 x 768 pixels. Send the file by email to the Strategy and Engagement Team

LaSalle Alerts

register for lasalle alerts graphic

It is also important to register for the LaSalle Emergency Alerts mass notification system so we can send messages to you in times of emergency. You will receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, such as your home, mobile or business phones, email address, or by text message. 

LaSalle Alerts is not a weather alerting system but will provide information on things like our response and instructions for any areas impacted in the Town following an event. Examples of emergencies include floods, evacuation notices, boil water advisories, etc. The system is tested 1-2 times per year. If you have not received a test from this system, register at the link above! Questions about this system can be directed to LaSalle Fire Service by email or by calling 519-966-0744.