Speed Bump SignTraffic calming is a collection of measures intended to improve conditions for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists travelling within LaSalle. Traffic calming can include engineering, design, educational, and enforcement measures that can be used individually or together to help address traffic challenges such as high speeding and shortcutting traffic. 

Once Traffic Calming Requests are received, they are reviewed in accordance with the Town of LaSalle's Traffic Calming Policy which can be found on the Municipal Policies page.

To submit a request for Traffic Calming in Lasalle, please review and complete our Traffic Calming Request Form below.

Traffic Calming Request Form


Ongoing Traffic Calming Surveys
LocationDate of Public SurveySurvey Link

Completed Traffic Calming Studies



  • Abbott Stfrom Sprucewood Ave. to Normandy Ave 
  • Bagley Ave. from Todd Lane to Bridgeway Blvd.
  • Boismier Ave. from Front Rd. to Michigan Ave
  • Canard Dr. from Snake Lane to North Townline Rd. 
  • Golfview Dr. from Malden Rd. to Matchette Rd. 
  • Heritage Drfrom Rushwood Cres. to Blackthorn Dr.
  • Normandy Ave. from Tenth St. to Huron Church Line
  • Oxley Ave. from Todd Lane to Cul-de-sac
  • Seven Lakes Dr. from Disputed Rd. to Maximus St.
  • Snake Lane. from Canard Dr. to Kelly Rd.
  • Stuart Blvd. from Matchette Rd. to McNabb Ave.
  • Winfield Dr. from Kenwick Way West towards Heritage Dr.  
  • International Ave. from Pinewood Drive to Michigan Ave
  • Monty St. from Malden Rd. to Matchette Rd.
  • Riverview Ave from Front Rd. to Park Haven Marina

For questions about Traffic Calming, please call the Public Works Department between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 519-969-4143