LaSalle Landscaping

Following the Province of Ontario's Roadmap to Reopen to gradually ease public health measures, as of March 1, 2022, proof of vaccination will not be required to enter a Town of LaSalle facility. In addition, active screening will no longer be in place, and patrons visiting any facility are encouraged to conduct a COVID-19 self-assessment before entering any building. Those who are experiencing symptoms are asked not to visit the facility until their symptoms have subsided. The safety of our employees and patrons is important.

Face coverings in indoor public settings and physical distancing requirements remain in place, with exceptions for those who are participating in specific recreation programs at the Vollmer Culture and Recreation Complex. Visit our COVID-19 web page for specific information.

The LaSalle Civic Centre is open for town business only and to access the LaSalle Branch of the Essex County Library. The atrium remains closed at this time. We expect that the atrium will open in the month of April. When meeting with Town staff, patrons are encouraged to book an appointment in advance. Please check our website for services that require appointments in advance before visiting the building.

LaSalle Council meetings will be held virtually in March. Plans are being put into place to host in-person Council meetings in April.

Requests for rentals are not being accepted at this time. We expect to book outdoor and indoor rentals in the near future.

Please keep a 2-metre distance from staff and others, and stand behind the shields when speaking with employees at the customer service counters. Anyone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to leave and contact the Town by phone, email or through the customer service portal.

For customers who would like to contact the Town and prefer not to do so in-person, there are options available. Contact us by phone at 519-969-7770 or use our website to access municipal information and services. Phones will be answered during regular business hours, Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. The Town has a Citizen Request Portal on our website and requests can be submitted and will be sent directly to the appropriate department.

Requests submitted after-hours (outside of Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm) will be addressed during business hours. For after-hours service requests that may require immediate attention such as a traffic light not working, road flooding, or other possible dangerous conditions please call our after-hours number at 519-969-4143. If the issue is about an immediate threat to public safety, call 911 for emergency assistance. Operation of emergency services has not changed.

The highly transmissible Omicron variant is impacting a number of workplaces, including the Town of LaSalle. As a number of staff may be off due to COVID-19 isolation guidelines, this may result in a delay in service. Should this become an issue, priority will be given to emergency and essential services. Updates will be provided on the Town's website and social media pages. We thank you for your patience.

We must continue to practice public health measures to help prevent further spread of COVID-19 in our community:

  • Maintain a 2-metre distance from others.

  • Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly and often.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Wear a medical or non-medical mask (e.g. cloth) in public settings.

  • Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow when you cough or sneeze.

  • Stay home and do not go to work or school if you are sick. 

  • Limit your contacts to your household only.

  • Get your COVID-19 vaccine.

The Province of Ontario has expanded booster dose eligibility to youth aged 12 to 17. For more information about COVID-19, please visit the Windsor Essex County Health Unit web page.