We encourage all residents of LaSalle to register for the LaSalle Alerts system. It will be used to provide important information in times of emergency like floods, large fires, evacuation notices, boil water advisories, etc. Add your contact information to make sure you are included in all future tests and notifications.
Elderly or limited mobility residents, those without transportation, those who use medical equipment and/or those who have significant health issues who need assistance in an evacuation are encouraged to call us at 519-969-7771, ext. 0 to register for evacuation assistance.
March 2021 - The Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) reminds us that the water level in the Great Lakes remains above average to high. Significant precipitation, strong winds and high waves may increase the risk of flooding in our area. Spring weather often means wet and windy conditions. Front Road and the streets west of Front Road may experience overland flooding during rainfall events and/or in cases of high winds, wind speed and wind direction.
For more information, visit the Flood Forecasting page on the Essex Region Conservation Authority's website.
If water over the road is encountered, motorists are reminded to drive with caution and slow down. If possible, avoid the area. Vehicles can create wakes that will cause damage to property and other vehicles on the road. The combination of slippery banks, waves, waves overtopping shoreline structures, and fast moving water can be dangerous. Standing water can also present its own unseen hazards. Children, pets, and livestock should be kept away from flowing or standing water as well as shoreline areas.
Plan Ahead |
Overland flooding is a real threat and you must plan ahead. Sandbags and sand are available for free for LaSalle residents who are experiencing flooding. In the event that the Town of LaSalle issues an evacuation order for your area, have a plan and know ahead of time:
It is up to you to protect you and your loved ones. In an emergency, calls are prioritized and |
72 Hour Emergency Kit |
Emergency Management Ontario has developed a list of essential items to include in an emergency kit. The kit should have everything you and your family would need to be safe and take care of yourselves for at least three days (72 hours) immediately following an emergency. Build your own kit and be prepared in case you need to leave your home. Should an evacuation of flooded areas be made, you will have limited time to gather your things and leave quickly. We encourage everyone to seek out family and friends outside of the evacuation area who may be able to provide shelter in this situation. |
In the Event of an Evacuation |
It is up to you to protect yourself and your loved ones. In an emergency, calls are prioritized and assistance may be delayed or not available. If you choose to ignore the evacuation recommendation, emergency services may not be able to get to you in a timely fashion. If you or a loved one are mobility challenged or have special medical needs, your emergency plan should take into account extra time and requirements that you may need. We also encourage relatives, friends and neighbours of elderly, vulnerable or limited mobility residents to ensure that these individuals are receiving information, are prepared for an evacuation and have assistance to evacuate in the event of flooding. Elderly or limited mobility residents who need assistance in an evacuation scenario are asked to call the Town of LaSalle at 519-969-7771, ext. 0 to register in advance for evacuation assistance. If able, please complete the Evacuation Assistance Form.
Stay Informed |
In the event of flooding, we will provide regular updates about the situation to the media and through our website and social media channels (Facebook and Twitter). We strongly encourage residents to seek out information through local radio and television stations as well (AM800, Blackburn, CBC, CTV and Windsor Star). |