Find out everything you need to know if you are a current candidate in Ontario municipal council and school board election using the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing's Candidates' Guide 2022. 

Candidates' Guide Download

Candidate FAQs

 How do I file my nomination?

The filing period for nominations opened on May 2, 2022, at 8:30 am and closed on August 19, 2022, at 2:00 pm.

 Can I withdraw my nomination?
The ability for candidates to withdraw their nominations ended on August 19, 2022, at 2:00 pm. 
 When can candidates start campaigning?
All certified candidates are now permitted to campaign. 
 When can candidates begin to put up lawn signs?

Candidates can put up their campaign signs starting September 2022. All lawn signs must adhere to the regulations as contained in Town of LaSalle Sign By-law 6407.

Complaints about lawn signs should be directed to Customer Service by calling 519-969-7770 during regular business hours.

 When do candidates need to remove their lawn signs?
Candidates must remove their signs by 11:59 pm on October 28, 2022.
 Are candidates or people representing candidates allowed to canvass in apartment buildings/condos?
Yes. Candidates, or their representatives, are permitted to canvas door-to-door in apartments and condos between 9:00 am and 9:00 pm.
Do expenses for post-election parties and gifts of appreciation count towards my election expense limit?
No, according to section 88.20 (8) of the Municipal Elections Act, the cost of parties and gifts of appreciation after the close of voting do not count towards your regular expense limit for the election. However, these costs are subject to a separate expense limit established in section 88.20 (9) of the MEA. 


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