A petition is a formal written request made to Council or a Committee which requests a particular action.  The subject of any petition must be a matter over which Council has the power to act. In other words, the topic must be a municipal responsibility rather than a Provincial or Federal matter. 

Recognizing that petitions play an integral role in the communication between residents and elected officials the Town of LaSalle has adopted a Petition Policy that establishes procedures for the submission and recognition of public petitions.

Please use the below submission form for all petition submissions.

Petition Submission Form  Sample Petition

Should you petition Council?

Petitioning Council may not always be your first course of action.  Some matters which are operational or administrative are sometimes best resolved by Administration.

What are the rules governing Petitions?

At a minimum a petition must contain the following: 

  • The Petition must be appropriate and respectful in tone, and must not contain any improper or offensive language or information.
  • The Petition must be typed or legibly handwritten and printed on letter size paper. (No pencil)
  • Each Petitioner must print and sign their own name and must provide their full address or roll number.
  • The subject of the Petition must be at the top of each page of signatures.
  • The Petition must clearly disclose on each page that it will be considered a public document at the Town of LaSalle and that the information contained will be subject to public viewing.

All Petitions and any corresponding supporting material, presented to Council shall be retained by Council Services in accordance with the Records Retention By-law in effect at that time, and will be available for public viewing upon request.

How do I submit a Petition?

Please complete the Petition Submission Form and Petition.  Once received, each petition will be reviewed to ensure compliance with the Town's Petition Policy

Completed Petitions must be submitted either electronically with the Petition Submission Form or to the Town of LaSalle Clerk in person or by mail to 5950 Malden Road, LaSalle, ON N9H 1S4.  For in person or mail submissions a printable version of the Petition Submission Form can be used. 

Is a Petition a "public" document?

Personal information on a petition form is collected under the authority of section 28(2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of informing Council of the views of the petition. Personal information will not be used by the Municipality for any purpose other than to ensure it meets Council's requirements for a valid petition and to ensure contact with the spokesperson or principal petitioner.

Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council and its Committees should be aware that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record, and may be made available through the agenda process, which includes publication on the municipality's website.

Where can I obtain further information?

Please contact the Clerk's Office at (519) 969-7770 ext. 1234.