Town centre drone picture

Planning Staff are responsible for preparing and maintaining the Town's Official Plan (including Schedule A, Schedule B, Schedule C, Schedule D, and Schedule E), the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-law, and various other municipal planning policy documents.

The Town of LaSalle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 8600 is available online. These changes made as a result of the Housekeeping Amendment were intended to improve legibility and create a comprehensive document for public referenceThe document has been converted into an accessible format according to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA).  

A Development Standards Manual was prepared and adopted by the Town of LaSalle in 2005, to establish how various types of new streets are to be built and maintained in the Town.

Staff also undertakes research and complete special studies related to urban design, transportation, housing, and economic development.

Development Review

Planning Staff are also responsible for processing, reviewing, formulating recommendations, and the ongoing administration of all Planning Act related applications; including:

  • Official plan amendment;
  • Zoning by-law amendment, holding zone removal;
  • Draft plan of subdivision, draft plan of condominium, part lot control by-law,
  • Consent;
  • Minor variance.

Applicants wishing to file a Planning Act Application are responsible for completing and submitting the application, together with a fee to the Town of LaSalle in accordance with the Town's Fee Schedule.

Land Owner Authorization for Pre-consultation form to be completed by an agent acting on behalf of the landowner. 

An electronic copy of Planning Act-related Application public meeting notices and Committee of Adjustment public hearing notices available for viewing and downloading.

The Town undertook a review of Parkland Dedication and payment-in-lieu of parkland policies and retained the services of Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. The Parkland Dedication Notice of Passing and Parkland Dedication By-law is available for review.