The Town of LaSalle received a $398,200 Ontario Builds grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to replace the ice rink refrigeration system, replacement of 12 rooftop HVAC units, and partial roof rehabilitation at the Vollmer Centre. The project is currently underway and will extend the useful life of the Town’s recreational facility.
The Town of LaSalle has retained Dillon Consulting Limited to prepare a comprehensive solution to address stormwater overflow into the Howard and Bouffard Planning Area during major storm events. The study is being completed following the requirements of the Municipal Class
Environmental Assessment process for a Master Plan. It is intended that the recommended solution along with suitable stormwater management measures for the developable lands will eliminate the flooding caused by the overflow within the planning area and will allow development to proceed. An in-person Public Information Centre is being held on March 1, 2023. Join us to learn more about this project.
The Howard Bouffard Secondary Plan Project is being undertaken by the Town of LaSalle to establish a land use plan for the Howard Bouffard Planning Districts - prepared as an amendment to the approved Official Plan. The Secondary Plan will provide more detailed policies and goals for the area, establish built-form objectives, identify public spaces, and parks, develop a natural heritage system, as well as designate lands for potential school sites and other civic uses. The road network, trail and open space network will also form part of the Secondary Plan Proposal.
The Town of LaSalle has retained Stantec Consulting Ltd. to complete the preparation of a Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP) reviewing all of the drainage system with a direct connection/discharge point into the Detroit River and the associated Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. The main objective of the SWMP is to identify opportunities for potential infrastructure enhancements and improvements to protect public and private property from the effects of stormwater flooding while preserving the natural environment.
A drop-in Public Information Centre (PIC) #2 was held on Wednesday, June 29, 2022. PIC #2 will focus on the improvements to the Stage 1 catchment area of Front Road between Turkey Creek and Gary Avenue. The information available at the PIC will include an overview of the study, alternative solutions, evaluation criteria and next steps. Comments on PIC #2 materials were accepted from June 29 to July 29, 2022. Information about this project is being shared on PlaceSpeak. Visit the project page to let us know that you think.
The LaSalle Landing waterfront project will enhance the waterfront’s potential to develop a cultural hub and point of destination for LaSalle residents of all ages and abilities, as well as visitors to the area. It is a connected, multi-amenity environment. The individual components will offer a mix of uses for both indoor and outdoor programming, and offer a wide range of venue sizes for even greater programming and use potential. Most importantly, when assembled together on this site, the activity hub will act as a symbol of community pride.
The Town of LaSalle and the County of Essex have embarked on updating the 2009 Environmental Assessment (EA) for Malden Road from the north Town limits southerly to Meaghan Drive. This EA update will look at changes that occurred over the years since 2009 and make recommendations to accommodate existing and future traffic demands.
The Town of LaSalle received a $315,000 Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program grant to construct four tennis courts between Diotte Street and the Vollmer Centre. The project includes construction of 4 tennis courts, overhead lighting, fencing and a trail connection to Laurier Parkway.
The Town of LaSalle received a $4,000,000 Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program grant to replace the watermain along Reaume Road from Malden Road to Milford Avenue, and on Bouffard Road from Malden Road to Matchette Road. The work will involve replacing the existing 2,803 metres of watermain on Reaume Road and 1,416 meters on Bouffard Road with new and wider local water pipes, reattaching the side street interconnections, and installing 22 new fire hydrants and 39 gate valves. This project is scheduled to take place in 2023.