While these services remain a priority, for the time being we are temporarily suspending the issuance of marriage licences and civil ceremonies.  We appreciate your patience and will resume these services as soon as possible.

How do I apply for a Marriage Licence and Civil Ceremony?

How Do I submit a Marriage Licence Application ?

Please review the available dates and times prior to submitting your Marriage Licence Application.  The available dates and times can be found below in the Book a Marriage Licence Appointment button.

Use the button below to submit your Marriage Licence Application online.  Once you have submitted your application online, you will automatically receive an email from Council Services with a PDF copy of the Application and a button to our online appointment booking tool.  Please keep in mind that Marriage Licences are only valid for 3 months from the date of issue.  There is a $125 non-refundable fee for a Marriage Licence. 

Submit my Marriage Licence Application  - Unfortunately, this service has been temporarily paused.

How Do I Book a Marriage Licence Appointment ?

This appointment is to pick up your Marriage Licence. Marriage licences are issued by appointment only. Walk-ins are not accepted.  If you have not received an email after you have submitted your application to our online appointment booking tool please use the button below.

It will take approximately 20 minutes to process your application and issue your Marriage Licence.  Please arrive at your scheduled appointment time.  If you are late or come without the required documentation, your appointment will be rescheduled.      

Before you book an appointment for a Marriage Licence, please confirm the following:

  1. You have completed the online Marriage Licence Application.
  2. You and your partner have 2 pieces of valid and original government issued identification.  
  3. Original or Court Certified Divorce documentation, if applicable.

Book a Marriage Licence Appointment - Unfortunately, this service has been temporarily paused.

How Do I Book a Civil Ceremony at the Town of LaSalle ?
To get married in Ontario you will need a Marriage Licence, an authorized marriage officiant and two witnesses.  A civil ceremony is a simple, dignified and non-denominational marriage is conducted by the Clerk or their designate and lasts approximately 20 minutes. Due to the civil nature of the service, there cannot be any religious element to the ceremony.

Important Note on Civil Ceremony Date Offerings:

The Town of LaSalle is offering civil ceremony services to all eligible couples on select Tuesdays and Thursdays during regular office hours at the Civic Centre. The Town is happy to offer an accessible, online Civil Ceremony Application. 

A maximum of one (1) Civil Ceremony is performed on those days. In completing the below Civil Ceremony Application, you will be able to select a "1st Choice Date" and "2nd Choice Date". Once staff reviews your application and determines date availability, your Ceremony date will be confirmed with you. Please note that ceremonies are scheduled on a first come, first served basis.  Civil Ceremony Applications are to be submitted a minimum of 10 days prior to the preferred ceremony date.

The non-refundable fee for a civil ceremony is $250.00 ($282.50 including HST). The fee is payable prior to the ceremony in order to secure your preferred date. 

Submit a Civil Ceremony Application  - Unfortunately, this service has been temporarily paused.

How Do I Set Up An Appointment to Finalize Details Regarding My Civil Ceremony ?

After submitting your Civil Ceremony Application, you can proceed to book a Civil Ceremony Review Appointment.  It will take approximately 20 minutes to review the fine details of your Civil Ceremony such as vows, reviewing your chosen location and any other additional details or questions that need to be reviewed prior to your Civil Ceremony taking place. 

Book a Civil Ceremony Review Appointment -  - Unfortunately, this service has been temporarily paused.

How Do I Apply for a Marriage Certificate After My Civil Ceremony ?
A Marriage Certificate is the official record containing the details of your marriage performed in Ontario. 

Before you can get a Marriage Certificate, your marriage needs to be registered. The officiant who performed the marriage will send your completed and signed Marriage Licence to Service Ontario so the marriage can be registered. You can order a marriage certificate approximately 8-10 weeks after your ceremony.

Order a Marriage Certificate


 What Types of Identification Do We Accept ?
 2 pieces of valid and original government issued identification (ID) must be provided for each of the applicants. 
  • Identification must be valid and original (we will not accept photocopies, scanned images or pictures on electronic devices).

  • Identification must provide your legal name and date of birth.

  • Your first and last names must match on the two pieces of ID that are presenting.

  • To have your middle name(s) included on your Marriage Licence it must also appear on both pieces of ID.

  • ID on the list can be from any country, as long as it is government issued.

  • If the ID is not in English, a written translation from a certified translator is required.

  • Health cards and S.I.N. cards will not be accepted.

  • Expired identification will not be accepted.

Acceptable Identification

  • Birth Certificate

  • Passport

  • Driver’s Licence

  • Ontario Photo Card (Purple photo ID card)

  • Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Canadian Citizenship Card)

  • Canadian Government Refugee Travel Document

  • Conditional Release Identification Card

  • United States Green Card

  • Native Status Card

  • Record of Immigration Landing

  • Confirmation of Permanent Residency

  • Permanent Residency Card

  • Citizenship Card

  • Identity Card

  • NEXUS Card

  • Firearms Acquisition Certificate (FAC)

  • Possession & Acquisition Licence (PAL)

 What Do I Bring to My Appointment ?
 Bring all of the following to your appointment:
  1. Completed Marriage Licence Application (Form 3) dated with original signatures (applications with scanned, photocopied or electronic signatures will not be accepted).
  2. 2 pieces of original and valid government issued ID for each person applying from the list of acceptable ID.  Both applicants do not need to be present at the Marriage Licence Appointment.  
  3. Divorce documentation, if applicable. 


  • If you cannot read or understand English, you must bring someone to interpreter for you.
  • This person must present their own identification.
 What Documents Do I Need to Remarry After a Divorce ?
 You must provide official proof of the divorce at the Marriage Licence Issuance Appointment. This can be the original or a court-certified copy of a:

All documents will be returned. A certified copy of either of the above divorce documents may be obtained from the court office that granted the divorce.

A divorce certificate for a divorce granted in Windsor can be obtained at the Superior Court of Justice, 245 Windsor Avenue. For business hours call 519-973-6620.

If you do not know where your divorce was granted you can contact the Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings at 1-613-957-4519.