In January 2018, the Town of LaSalle received funding from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) to create an Economic Development Strategic Plan. Mellor Murray Consulting was retained in April 2018 to develop the plan.

The Economic Development Strategic Plan will provide a long-term plan for attracting new jobs, retain business, and foster economic growth in the Town. A key component to making this happen is to ensure that there are jobs and continued investment in the community. Ensuring that the Town is an attractive place to locate new and expanding businesses is important to being a prosperous and complete community.  Creating a plan of how to encourage and maintain economic growth in the Town will be a key part of the Town’s future.

The Town engaged with residents, stakeholders, and businesses to shape the overall Economic Development Strategic Plan. 

Community Town Hall

A community Town Hall was held on June 20, 2018, where Mellor Murray Consulting presented information about the plan, gained feedback and ideas, and answered questions. The Economic Development Strategic Plan Town Hall presentation is now available online.

Economic Development Survey

The short survey helped to measure the community’s perception of the current businesses in LaSalle, as well as look at the desires for future growth (survey was closed on July 2, 2018).

Economic Development Strategic Plan 

Mellor Murray Consulting presented the LaSalle Economic Development Strategic Plan (pdf) to LaSalle Council at the February 12, 2019 Regular Meeting of Council.