Committees of Council provide recommendations and advice to members of Council and Administration on various issues and are a great way for members of public to formally engage and get involved with members of Council and Administration. Committees help contribute to the development of policies, programs and initiatives that enhance our Town. To learn more about LaSalle's committees, you are encouraged to read the Terms of Reference for each separate Committee, as they set the framework for operation, and define the scope and limitations. 

Meetings, Agendas and Minutes

To view Meeting dates, Agendas and Minutes for the Town of LaSalle's Committees, please click the button below.

Meetings, Agendas and Minutes

Speak at a Committee Meeting

Not a member of a Committee but have something to say or suggest? Please click the button below for details on how you can speak at a Committee meeting.

Speak at a Committee Meeting

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Accessibility Advisory Committee is to advise LaSalle Town Council on the preparation and implementation of accessibility plans in order to remove barriers for people with disabilities and ensure that new barriers are eliminated and to promote accessibility in the community.

For more information about the Committee, please view the Terms of Reference. 

Terms of Reference

Committee Composition and Current Members

The Accessibility Advisory Committee is comprised of:

  • One (1) or more members of Council as appointed by the Mayor, one of which shall serve as Chairperson
  • A minimum of four (4) members from the Town of LaSalle
  • Administrative support for this Committee is provided by Council Services staff

Current Members:

  • Councillor Anita Riccio-Spagnuolo (Chair)

  • Councillor Terry Burns
  • Cynthia Butcher
  • Jason Thibodeau
  • Joanna Conrad
  • Michael Gerard
  • Jason Thibodeau

Meeting Schedule

The Accessibility Advisory Committee meets one Wednesday per month in the months of February, May, September and November or at the Call of the Chair. Meetings for 2024 are tentatively scheduled for the following dates:

  • Wednesday, February 21 at 3:30 pm
  • Wednesday, March 20 at 10 am
  • Wednesday, May 15 at 10 am
  • Wednesday, September 18 at 3:30 pm
  • Wednesday, November 20 at 3:30 pm 

Committee of Adjustment

The purpose of the Committee of Adjustment is to hold public hearings and make decisions related to consent and minor variance applications.

For more information about the Committee, please view the Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference

Committee Composition and Current Members

The Committee of Adjustment is comprised of:

  • Five (5) members of the public as appointed by Council
  • A staff member from Planning and Development acts as the Secretary Treasurer for the Committee
  • Administrative support for this Committee is provided by Council Services staff

Current Members:

  • James Boscariol
  • Theresa Nicodemo
  • Valentina Brunone
  • Vince Marcotte
  • Maria Ferraro
  • Ryan Tufts, Planning Technician (Secretary Treasurer for the Committee of Adjustment)

Meeting Schedule

The Committee of Adjustment meets once a month on Wednesdays or at the call of the Chair. Meetings for 2024 are tentatively scheduled for the following dates:

  • Wednesday, January 17 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, February 21 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, March 20 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, April 17 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, May 22 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, June 19 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, July 17 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, August 21 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, September 18 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, October 16 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, November 20 at 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, December 11 at 5:00 pm

About the Committee of Adjustment

The Planning Act, 1990 sets out the responsibilities and statutory requirements pertaining to a Committee of Adjustment.  In the Town of LaSalle, the Committee of Adjustment has been assigned the responsibility for presiding over and making decisions with respect to consent, minor variance, and non-conforming use applications.

In carrying out these assigned duties the Committee shall be guided by the policies of the town’s official plan and the regulations and development standards contained within the implementing zoning by-law (Note: copies of both of these documents are available on the Town’s website).  

Staff reports and the agenda are prepared and circulated electronically to Committee members for each consent and minor variance application in advance of the meeting dates.

Currently, Committee of Adjustment meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. or more frequently at the call of the chair.

Consent Applications

In Ontario, there are two approval processes that can be used to create new parcels of land — a draft plan of subdivision or a consent to sever application.

For information purposes, we have attached a copy of the Town’s approved land division policies.  These policies articulate when and under what circumstances a draft plan of subdivision is required and when a consent to sever application can be used to create a new lot.

When assessing the merits of individual consent applications, the Committee should consider the following:

  • conformity with the official plan (i.e., permitted land use, maximum density allowed, servicing, etc.);
  • comments and recommendations from local and provincial agencies affected;  
  • the size, shape and orientation of the lots being proposed and the location of any existing buildings and structures (i.e., will it provide a suitably sized building lot and maintain the required yard separations);
  • the location of existing and proposed driveways (re: visibility, sight lines, impact on traffic and turning movements);
  • availability and adequacy of municipal infrastructure and services (including sanitary sewage treatment capacity, storm drainage, water supply, etc.);
  • environmental constraints (i.e., floodways, contaminated soils, noise from railways, shoreline erosion, etc.);
  • comments and recommendations from town staff (planning, engineering, building, etc.).

Where the Committee is of the opinion that the consent to sever application conforms to the applicable official plan policies and favourable comments and recommendations are received regarding the above-noted considerations, consent in principle can be granted with conditions attached.

The applicant has two years to satisfy all of the conditions imposed by the committee.  Should the conditions not be satisfied the approval in principle lapses and the consent application is deemed to have been refused.

Where the conditions are satisfied, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment provides a certificate of final approval accordingly.  The applicant must then register the certificate in the local registry office.

It should be noted that if the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the committee or with one or more conditions imposed, he/she may appeal the decision or condition to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).

Consent applications for lot additions, rights-of-way and easements would follow a similar review and approval process.

Minor Variance Applications

A property owner that is not able to meet one or more of the regulations and/or development standards, as may be prescribed by Council, in the Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law, may apply to the Committee of Adjustment for a minor variance application to obtain relief from one or more subsections of the Town's Zoning By-law.

In many instances, the relief that is being sought is a result of the location of existing buildings and structures that may have been built prior to the adoption of the current edition of the zoning by-law.  We often find that during the construction of new buildings and structures the contractor makes a mistake and the addition or the new building itself encroaches into a required yard.  Other minor variance applications result from the uniqueness or shape and size of the property affected.

When evaluating the merits of minor variance applications, the Committee should apply the following four (4) tests: 

i) Does the application conform to the general intent and purpose of the applicable official plan policies?;

ii) Does the application maintain the general intent and purpose of the applicable zoning by-law regulation or standard? (this test requires an understanding of the nature and purpose of the regulations in effect as adopted by the Council);

iii) Will the relief that is being applied for result in the appropriate development of the subject property?; and

iv) Is the application minor in nature? (minor does not mean a mathematical calculation — a 10% variation - but rather should be assessed on the basis of the impact that the requested change would have on abutting lands — i.e., will an adverse impact be created as a result of this application being approved — if it will have an adverse impact, it should not be viewed as being minor in nature).

Before granting approval to the minor variance application the Committee should satisfy itself that all four tests can be met.  It should be noted that on an appeal to the OLT the tribunal consistently uses these four tests in determining whether or not a minor variance application should receive approval, and includes reference to them in all decisions.

The Planning Act, 1990 also allows a Committee of Adjustment to grant approvals for an expansion or an extension to non-conforming land use.  The Committee should be guided by the Council adopted land use policies pertaining to such applications — Subsection 7.14 of the official plan provides the relevant policy direction in this regard.

It should be noted that minor variance applications are not intended to be used to add new land uses to the list of permitted uses.  Such changes are major in nature and should be dealt with as a zoning by-law amendment which is reviewed and approved by Council.

Court of Revision

The Court of Revision is an appeal body established under Section 97 the Drainage Act, 1990.

The Act sets out a democratic process for constructing new drains or improving existing drains.  The basic idea is that property owners who benefit from a new or improved drain should pay their share toward the cost of construction. The Court of Revision for drainage works occurs before any construction can begin.

A Drainage report is prepared by a drainage engineer which outlines the proposed drainage works and includes a schedule of affected properties. Once the report is provisionally adopted by Council, a notice of Court of Revision is sent to all affected property owners. The purpose of the Court of Revision is to hear any objections to the charges being assessed to individual property owners as outlined in the report. Affected property owners may object to any charges being assessed by filing a Notice of Appeal with the Clerk within 10 days of the sitting of the Court of Revision.

The Court of Revision only has authority to change the schedule of assessments.  Members cannot make changes to the technical aspects of the engineers report.

Members of the Court of Revision may hear appeals on three grounds:

  • Land or road has been assessed too high or low
  • Land or road should have been assessed but has not
  • Due consideration was not given to the land's use

The Court of Revision hears these appeals and decides whether they are valid. 

For more information about the Court of Revision, please review the Terms of Reference:

Terms of Reference

 Committee Composition and Current Members 

Current Members:

  • Ayman Abouzeenni
  • Manpreet Brar
  • Bruce Durfy
  • Andrew Soulliere 
  • Peter La Porta

 Meeting Schedule

 The Court of Revision meets on an as required basis.

Election Compliance Audit Committee

The purpose of the Election Compliance Audit Committee is to deal with any applications for an audit from each regular election and any by-elections during the term of municipal council.

For more information about the Committee, please view the Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference

Committee Composition and Current Members

The Election Compliance Audit Committee is comprised of:

  • Three (3) members plus one alternate as appointed by Council 
  • Administrative support for this Committee is provided by Council Services staff

Current Members:

  • Colleen Caza
  • Eric West
  • Kaela Howarth
  • Sherry Ducedre (Alternate)

Meeting Schedule

 Election Compliance Audit committee meetings are held as required.

Planning Committee 

The purpose of the Planning Committee is to hold public information meetings for all Planning Act applications or on matters that Council deems appropriate.

For more information about the Committee, please view the Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference

Committee Composition and Current Members

The Planning Committee is comprised of:

  • All Members of Council
  • Members of Administration
  • Administrative support for this Committee is provided by Council Services staff

Current Members

  • Mayor Crystal Meloche (Chair)
  • Deputy Mayor Mike Akpata 
  • Councillor Terry Burns
  • Councillor Mark Carrick
  • Councillor Sue Desjarlais
  • Councillor Jeff Renaud
  • Councillor Anita Riccio-Spagnuolo

Meeting Schedule

The Planning Committee meets at the Call of the Chair.

Parks, Recreation and Events Committee

The purpose of the Parks, Recreation and Events Committee is to act as an advisory body and make recommendations to Council regarding matters pertaining to parks, recreation and events within the Town. 

For more information about the Committee, please view the Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference

Committee Composition and Current Members

 The Parks, Recreation and Events Committee is comprised of:

  • All Members of Council
  • Administrative support for this Committee is provided by Council Services staff

Current Members

  • Mayor Crystal Meloche
  • Deputy Mayor Mike Akpata (Chair)
  • Councillor Terry Burns
  • Councillor Mark Carrick
  • Councillor Sue Desjarlais
  • Councillor Jeff Renaud
  • Councillor Anita Riccio-Spagnuolo

Meeting Schedule

The Parks, Recreation and Events Committee meets one Tuesday per month in the months of February, April, August and November or at the Call of the Chair. Meetings for 2024 are tentatively scheduled for the following dates:

  • Tuesday, February 27 at 4:30 pm
  • Tuesday, April 23 at 4:30 pm
  • Tuesday, August 27 at 4:30 pm
  • Tuesday, November 26 at 4:30 pm 

Police Services Board

The LaSalle Police Services Board has a legislative responsibility to oversee the adequate and effective policing for the community of LaSalle. The Board ensures compliance with standards as set out by the Ministry of the Solicitor General.  The Board works in conjunction with the Chief of Police who acts as a chief executive officer and reports to the Board. The five civilian members who make up the Police Services Board represent the community of LaSalle. The Board is responsible for governance and the development of policy that provides for adequate and effective police services.

Board Composition and Current Members

The Police Services Board is comprised of:

  • Two (2) members of Council appointed by the Mayor
  • Two (2) community members appointed by the Province
  • One (1) community member appointed by Council

Current members:

  • Mayor Crystal Meloche (Chair)

  • Councillor Anita Riccio-Spagnuolo (Vice-Chair)
  • Daniel Allen (Provincial Appointment)
  • Marie Campagna (Council Appointment)
  • Morris Brause (Provincial Appointment)

 Meeting Schedule

  • Police Services Board meetings are held the third Monday of each month (excluding July and August). Closed meetings begin at 4:15 p.m. and public meetings begin at 5:00 p.m. Members are also expected to attend special meetings and other events related to the Board’s work on an as needed basis.
  • Meetings are held at the LaSalle Civic Center, 5950 Malden Road. 

Water and Wastewater Committee

The purpose of the Water and Wastewater Committee is to make recommendations to Council regarding water supply and wastewater collection issues as they relate to the delivery of services to the residents within the corporate limits of the Town of LaSalle.

For more information about the Committee, please view the Terms of Reference.

Terms of Reference

Committee Composition and Current Members

The Water and Wastewater Committee is comprised of:

  • All Members of Council
  • Members of Administration
  • Administrative support for this Committee is provided by Council Services staff

Current Members:

  • Mayor Crystal Meloche (Chair)

  • Deputy Mayor Mike Akpata
  • Councillor Terry Burns
  • Councillor Jeff Renaud
  • Councillor Mark Carrick
  • Councillor Sue Desjarlais
  • Councillor Anita Riccio-Spagnuolo
  • Joe Milicia, CAO
  • Jonathan Osborne, Director of Public Works
  • Dale Langlois, Director of Finance
  • Lena Petros, Manager of Water and Wastewater

Meeting Schedule

The Water and Wastewater Committee meets one Tuesday per month in the month of March and October or at the Call of the Chair. Meetings for 2024 are tentatively scheduled for the following dates:

  • Tuesday, March 26 at 4:30 pm 
  • Tuesday, October 22 at 4:30 pm


 Inter-Municipal Board and Committees

In addition to internal committees of Council, the Town of LaSalle has representatives on the following inter-municipal boards and committees:

For additional information, archived agendas and minutes, please contact the Council Coordinator at 519-969-7770 extension 1262.  Alternate formats are available upon request.