The Town of LaSalle issues Penalty Notices (parking and bylaw tickets) under the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS), per Bylaw 8289. The AMP system is designed to streamline the enforcement of, and increase compliance with the Town of LaSalle's bylaws. Under AMPS, parking and bylaw disputes are handled by the Town through the use of Screening and Hearing Officers who are able to modify, cancel, or affirm penalties. This approach helps to reduce congestion in the courts and provides a local, accessible and efficient dispute resolution system.
If you do not wish to dispute your Penalty Notice, you can make a voluntary payment, 2 business days after the Date of Issue, in full, online by clicking the button below. Have your Penalty Notice readily available.
If you received a Penalty Notice, you may request that the Penalty be reviewed by a Screening Officer by submitting a Request for a Screening Review before 11:59 pm on the 15th day after the Date of Issue. Use the link below to complete the online form.
Request for a Screening Review
If you received a Penalty Notice and have a valid reason for missing the deadline to submit a Request for a Screening Review, you can complete the form below to make a Request for Extension of Time for a Screening Review. The Screening Officer will review your reason(s) and decide whether to grant an extension.
Request an Extension of Time for a Screening Review
For more information on the Screening Review process, review the FAQs below.
If you have had a Screening Review and received a Screening Decision that you wish to appeal, you can apply for a Hearing Review by submitting a Request for a Hearing Review before 11:59 pm on or before the payment due date set out on your Screening Decision.
If you received a Screening Decision and have a valid reason for missing the deadline to submit a Request for a Hearing Review, you can complete the form below to make a Request for Extension of Time for a Hearing Review. The Hearing Officer(s) will review your reason(s) and decide whether to grant an extension.
Request an Extension of Time for a Hearing Review
For more information on the Hearing Review process, review the FAQs below.
Why did LaSalle implement AMPS? |
The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) was introduced to help the over-burdened courts by streamlining the process and allowing Municipalities to handle parking and by-law infractions from start to finish. Under the alternative POA system (Provincial Offences Act), resolution can potentially take months in the congested court system. Under AMPS, parking and by-law matters can be resolved in weeks. AMPS is generally more effective because:
How is a Penalty Notice issued? |
A Town of LaSalle Bylaw Compliance Officer, Firefighters and Police Officers can issue a Penalty Notices for various parking and by-law contraventions by:
I just received a Penalty Notice. What are my options? |
Option 1: Pay the Penalty Notice within 15 days:
Option 2: Dispute the Penalty Notice by submitting a Request for a Screening Review within 15 days from the Date of Issue online or by calling 519-969-7770 and speaking with the AMPS Administrator. |
How can I dispute my Penalty Notice? |
To dispute your Penalty Notice, you must submit a Request for a Screening Review within 15 days from the Date of Issue. Option 1: Submit a Request for a Screening Review online. You will receive an email confirmation that your Request has been received from and can expect to receive follow-up correspondence within 48 business hours. Option 2: Call 519-969-7770 to speak to speak to the AMPS Administrator. |
I need an Interpreter to assist me during my Screening Review or Hearing Review |
If you need an interpreter, you are responsible for bringing a person to assist you during your scheduled Screening Review or Hearing Review. The Town does not provide interpreters. | ||||||||||||||
What happens if I missed the deadline to schedule a Screening Review? |
Under extenuating or extreme circumstances (such as death or illness etc.), you may be granted an extension to request a Screening Review. It is at the sole discretion of the Screening Officer to grant an extension. Documentation to prove an extenuating circumstance may be requested. Call 519-969-7770 to speak with the AMPS Administrator for more information or complete the online Request for Extension of Time for a Screening Review. |
What if I don't attend my scheduled Screening Review or Hearing Review? |
If you do not attend your scheduled appointment, the Penalty Notice will be deemed to be affirmed and any additional Administrative Fee(s) will be appended to the original Administrative Penalty. Please note that there Administrative Fee(s) for missing a Screening Review or Hearing Review. For parking penalties, the original Administrative Penalty and any Additional Fee(s) may be sent to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) for plate denial and collection. For bylaw penalties, the original Administrative Penalty and any Additional Fee(s) will be added to the Tax Roll or the Person to which the Penalty Notice was issued for collection with your Property Taxes. |
What if I am not satisfied with the Screening Officer's decision? |
If you still dispute to the Penalty Notice following the review by the Screening Officer, you can request for an appeal of a Screening Decision by a Hearing Officer on or before the payment due date listed on your Screening Decision. At the Hearing Review, you can provide evidence to support your claim. Decisions rendered by the Hearing Officer are final - there are no other forums for dispute. |
Can someone else act on my behalf during a Screening Review or Hearing Review? |
Yes. You can authorize another person to act as your representative during a Screening Review or Hearing Review. You must complete the Authorization to Act as An Agent Form and the person must bring the signed and completed form and valid government-issued ID with them to the Review. |
I just received a Notice of Overdue Bylaw Penalty or Notice of Overdue Parking Penalty. Now what? |
If you received a Notice of Overdue Bylaw Penalty or Parking Penalty, this means that the Town has not received payment for the Penalty Notice or you have not requested a Screening Review within the required timeframe. You are no longer eligible to request a Screening Review and must take action to avoid incurring additional Administrative Fee(s). If you fail to take action, you risk your Administrative Penalty and any Additional Fee(s) being added to the Tax Roll of the applicable property (by-law penalties). Both of the latter actions are irreversible and you will either be required to pay the original penalties at the time you renew your Ontario Vehicle Permit or pay your Property Taxes. | ||||||||||||||
What will happen if I ignore a Penalty Notice? |
If you do not choose one of the options listed on the back of your Penalty Notice, the Town assumes you have decided not to dispute the Penalty Notice and you may be required to pay additional administrative fees. Additionally, if the Penalty Notice and Administrative Fee(s)remain unpaid, the Town may take action to ensure collection such as sending the fees to the MTO for Plate Denial (parking penalties) or adding the fees to the Tax Roll of the applicable property (by-law penalties). | ||||||||||||||
Are there any additional Administrative Fee(s)? |
Yes. Under specific circumstances Administrative Fee(s) can be applied to your total amount due. For example, Administrative Fee(s) are applied to late payments, failure to attend a scheduled Screening Review or Hearing Review, and Ministry of Transportation (MTO) searches etc. you will either be required to pay the original Administrative Penalty and any additional Administrative Fee(s) at the time you renew your Ontario Vehicle Permit or pay your Property Taxes.
What does a Town of LaSalle Penalty Notice look like ? |
Can I report a bylaw or parking infraction? |
The public may report parking and bylaw contraventions online through our Citizen Issue/Request Submission Portal. |
Related Policies |
The Town has several policies in place to ensure the fair administration of the AMPS program: |
Alternative formats and communication supports are available upon request. Please contact the Council Coordinator at (519) 969-7770 ext. 1262 to request an alternate format.