Thank you for taking pride in our beautiful landscapes, parks and trails in LaSalle! Every piece of trash you pick up gives back to our community. Your actions protect wildlife, reduce waste in the environment, beautify our Town, and preserves the environment for future generations.
Here's how you can help! Contribute to our community by organizing a park or trail clean-up. Choose a date and location for the clean-up and estimate how many people will be taking part. Complete the online form so we can assist you in your efforts. The Town will provide gloves and garbage bags and also dispose of garbage left in designated areas.
Once the above form is completed, pick up your requested gloves and garbage bags at the Vollmer Complex front desk. Garbage will automatically be picked up the day after your scheduled clean-up. Share photos of your group clean up by tagging us and using #CleanUpLaSalle on all your social media posts!
Please ensure all clean-up participants are safe. Please review and share these safety tips with your group:
Participants taking part in a park/trail clean-up agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Town of LaSalle, its agents, servants, employees, trustees, officers, Councillors and representatives from any and all liability, loss or damage that the Town of LaSalle may suffer as a result of any claims, demands, costs, actions, causes of actions or judgments, including legal fees, asserted against or incurred by the Town of LaSalle arising out of, during, or as a result of participation a park/trail clean-up, save and except any liability, loss or damage that is the result of or arising out of the sole negligence of the Town of LaSalle, its agents, servants and employees.