View LaSalle 25 Route Bus Schedule
View the 2024 LaSalle Transit Strawberry Festival Schedule
LaSalle 25 - The route in LaSalle is covered by one route utilizing two buses. One starting at St. Clair College and one in the area of Morton Drive at Front Road. It takes approximately 45 minutes for one bus to travel the entire LaSalle route. The current route captures approximately 70% of the houses located in LaSalle's urban area.
Routes accessible from the LaSalle 25 route:
Route 518X - A limited-stop express route from Tecumseh Mall to St. Clair College via Devonshire Mall is in operation. This route reduces travel times between East Windsor and the college by over an hour each way. This will allow LaSalle Transit riders to transfer buses at St. Clair College and take the express route to Tecumseh Mall.
South Windsor 7 - travels to Devonshire Mall and Walker Rd. Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Terminal to Legacy Park/Silver City (Walker Rd.), including service to Devonshire Mall.
Amherstburg 605 – Stops on Front Rd. at Laurier Dr. and travels from Amherstburg to Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare Terminal.
Passengers may use their TW smart ride card or TW smart pass (blue and red cards, sold in Windsor or LaSalle) when boarding the Amherstburg 605. However, there is a $1.00 fare required at time of boarding. Passengers must deposit $1.00 into the farebox. Exact change required. When paying cash on the bus, exact fare is required. Operators cannot make change, and overpayments are not reimbursed. The fare top-up is not required for holders of U-Passes, Saints Pass, or Regional Fare cards.
Upon request, all cash paying passengers are provided with a transfer upon boarding. The transfer is valid for two hours from the time of issuance. Transfers are valid from the Amherstburg service to the LaSalle and City service. Transfers are not valid from the LaSalle and City service to the Amherstburg service.
Dougall 6 - Route travels from Windsor International Transit Terminal (downtown Windsor) to St. Clair College.
Dominion 5 - Windsor International Transit Terminal (downtown Windsor) to St. Clair College via Dominion and Mount Royal.
More information about Transit Windsor routes and schedules.
Find out when the next bus will arrive |
The buses are equipped with an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) providing riders with real-time bus location. This means that riders are able to send a text message and receive a reply about the next arrival time, or call and listen to automated information. Passengers can also utilize Google Transit to access trip information and travel routing with times. Visit the Transits Windsor Schedule and Maps web page for full details. |
Holidays |
LaSalle Transit service will not be provided on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday Day, Easter Sunday (no service on Sundays), Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve |
Bus stops have been identified along the route, see the LaSalle 25 Route Bus Stops Map for details.