Lifesaving Programs
From Standard First Aid courses to lifesaving and leadership programs, we offer a full range of courses. Register for courses online.

Become a Lifeguard and Swim Instructor
Lifeguards are more than just good swimmers! They are water rescue professionals trained in emergency care. They prevent accidents and injuries. They educate the public about the hazards and risks related to water activities, and how to be Water Smart. A lifeguard is a fun, exciting and rewarding job. Lifeguards are entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the safety of all swimmers. To prepare for this, lifeguards enroll in lifesaving programs and routinely train.
Optional: Bronze Star

This is the optional first step to becoming a lifeguard for youth wishing to learn more about lifesaving. Candidates are certified in Basic First Aid and CPR-A. This course requires 100% attendance in order to fulfill the course requirements.

  • Prerequisites: None.

  • Please note: Course is optional, if participants are 13 years of age they can go directly into Bronze Medallion. Participants are required to bring a bathing suit, towel and goggles (if desired).

 Bronze Medallion
This is the first course of the Lifesaving Society's leadership program and teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water-rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness. Participants learn tows and carries as well as defense methods and releases in preparation for challenging rescues of increasing risk involving conscious and unconscious victims of various types. Successful participants will be certified in Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid with CPR-B. 100% attendance is required. A final examination will be held on the last day of class.

Candidates will be performing rescues on manikins and rescue aids wherever possible. For the examination, candidates will need to perform rescue skills on a live victim. You may choose to bring a member of your household for the examination.

  • Prerequisites: Minimum 13 years of age or Bronze Star Certification.

  • Reminder: Participants are required to bring a bathing suit, towel, goggles (if desired), notebook and pen.
 Bronze Cross
This is the next step of the Lifesaving Society's leadership program and prepares participants for the safety supervision role and responsibilities of assistant lifeguards in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for all advanced training programs including National Lifeguard and Instructor certification. Successful participants will be certified in Bronze Cross. 100% attendance is required. A final examination will be held on the last day of class.
Candidates will be performing rescues on manikins and rescue aids wherever possible. For the examination candidates will need to perform rescue skills on a live victim. You may choose to bring a member of your household for the examination.
  • Prerequisites: Bronze Medallion and Emergency First Aid.
  • Reminder: Participants are required to bring a bathing suit, towel, goggles (if desired), notebook and pen.
 High Five®
HIGH FIVE® training provides participants with nationally recognized certification that will assist them in working with children's programs in the sport and recreation industry. Several municipalities, not for profit organizations and service providers either require or recommend HIGH FIVE® certification for employment. HIGH FIVE ® holds true to the five Principles of Healthy Child Development that the research indicates are essential for quality activities: a caring adult, the opportunity to make friends, the opportunity to play, the opportunity to master skills and the opportunity to participate.
  • Reminder: Participants are required to bring a notebook and pen.
Assistant Instructor
This course will prepare candidates to help certified instructors with swimming and lifesaving classes. The roles and responsibilities of instructors and their assistants are emphasized.

This optional course will prepare candidates for volunteer opportunities through classroom learning, in-water practice and aiding certified instructors with swimming and lifesaving classes. The roles and responsibilities of instructors and their assistants are emphasized in this class. 100% attendance is required.

  • Prerequisites: Bronze Cross and must be 14 years of age.
  • Reminder: Participants are required to bring a notebook and pen.
National Lifeguard
This course teaches the key principles in the Lifesaving Society's Lifeguard program. This certification allows a candidate to work as a lifeguard at a pool. Teamwork, leadership, communication and a high level of physical fitness are emphasized. 100% attendance is required to fulfill the course requirements. 

National Lifeguard certification allows a successful participant to work as a lifeguard in a pool setting. It is designed to develop a sound understanding of lifeguarding principles, good judgment as well as a mature and responsible attitude toward their role as a water safety expert. The course develops basic lifeguarding skills and the decision-making skills necessary to adapt to different aquatic facilities and emergencies. Teamwork, leadership, communication and a high level of physical fitness are emphasized. The final exam will be conducted on the last day of the course. Successful candidates will be certified in National Lifeguard and Standard First Aid with CPR-C.

Candidates will be performing rescues on manikins and rescue aids wherever possible. For the examination candidates will need to perform rescue skills on a live victim. You may choose to bring a member of your household for the examination.
  • Prerequisites: Bronze Cross, Standard First Aid and must be 15 years of age by the exam date.
  • Reminder: Participants are required to bring a bathing suit, towel, goggles (if desired), notebook and pen.
  • Please note: National Lifeguard and Instructor School do not have to be taken in any particular order of each other, nor is one a prerequisite for the other, however both courses must be completed.
 Instructor School
The combined Swim and Lifesaving Instructors course focuses on preparing the instructor to teach and evaluate basic swim strokes and related skills. Candidates acquire proven teaching methods, a variety of stroke development drills and correction techniques. Swim Instructors are certified to teach and evaluate all levels of the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life Program. The Lifesaving Instructors are able to teach and evaluate sections of the Lifesaving programs.
  • Includes High Five® HIGH FIVE® training provides participants with nationally recognized certification that will assist them in working with children's programs in the sport and recreation industry. Several municipalities, not for profit organizations and service providers either require or recommend HIGH FIVE® certification for employment. HIGH FIVE ® holds true to the five Principles of Healthy Child Development that the research indicates are essential for quality activities: a caring adult, the opportunity to make friends, the opportunity to play, the opportunity to master skills and the opportunity to participate.
  • Prerequisites: Bronze Cross and must be 15 years of age by the exam date.
  • Reminder: Participants are required to bring a bathing suit, towel, goggles (if desired), notebook and pen.
  • Please note: National Lifeguard and Instructor School do not have to be taken in any particular order of each other, nor is one a prerequisite for the other, however both courses must be completed.

Advanced Leadership Courses

Continue your education with advanced leadership courses designed to help lifeguards become aquatic leaders.

Examiner Standards Course

This course provides the knowledge of the Lifesaving Society's examination standard. The Lifesaving Society appoints experienced instructors who have successfully completed the Examiner Standards Course as Examiners for the advanced classes such as Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, National Lifeguard and more.

  • Must have current Lifesaving Instructors and Advanced Instructor

Aquatic Supervisor Training

Aquatic supervisor certification is the Lifesaving Society training standard for instructors and lifeguards who wish to assume deck-level supervisor responsibilities for overseeing instructional and recreational programs and day-to-day operations at aquatic facilities. Aquatic supervisor introduces participants to the knowledge, skills and tools required to effectively guide fellow staff members in the safe delivery of aquatic programs and services, and to prepare for effective emergency response. 

  • Must have Current NLS and 100 hours as a lifeguard or swim instructor.

Standard First Aid Instructors

This course provides the knowledge and materials to teach the Standard First Aid Award for the Lifesaving Society. Candidates will work through the correct First Aid practices as a group and be required to present mock lessons to their classmates.

Prerequisites: Minimum of 16 years of age and a Standard First Aid Certification from one of: Lifesaving Society, St. John Ambulance, Canadian Red Cross or Canadian Ski Patrol. Must have Advanced Instructors.

National Lifeguard Instructors

The National Lifeguard Instructor course provides participants with an understanding of the principles and practices on which the National Lifeguard program is based and explores teaching approaches and techniques appropriate for National Lifeguard candidates.

There are four streams of National Lifeguards:

  • Pool
  • Waterpark
  • Waterfront
  • Surf

Pool is the primary focus of this course. This course will prepare candidates to teach the National Lifeguard program.

  • Prerequisites: National Lifeguard certification and Lifesaving Instructor.
  • Please note: This course includes dry-land and in-water components. Participants are required to bring a bathing suit, towel, goggles (if desired), notebook and pen.

Instructor Trainer Course

The Trainer course is the first step in the three-step process to become appointed as a Trainer for the Lifesaving Society. The course provides candidates with an understanding of the expectations and requirements to teach instructors, and prepares participants to apprentice successfully as a Trainer on the Instructor course(s) of their choice. It shapes positive attitudes and values about the Society’s Instructor Training program, planning, learning/teaching, and evaluation content and allows participants to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, teaching, and evaluation techniques.

  • Prerequisites: Instructor and examiner status in one stream of the Lifesaving Society program.
  • Please note: Participants are required to bring a bathing suit, towel, goggles (if desired), notebook, pen and Lifesaving Society award guides.