RZone BannerRespect and Responsibility Policy

The Town of LaSalle (hereby referenced as “the Town”) wishes to promote Respect and Responsibility (RZone) of property in Town-owned recreation facilities, parks and events that are free from mischief, vandalism and other inappropriate behaviours causing damage.

The Town supports many community-based user groups and programs which are managed by volunteers. The Town aims to provide a safe and positive environment for these groups to continue to contribute greatly to the quality of life in LaSalle. This policy shall serve as an understanding for the public and such user groups that responsibility must be taken for the behaviour of all associated with them including participants, spectators, parents, volunteers, organizational staff, family members and officials.

View the complete Respect and Responsibility Policy.

RZone Core Principles

  1. Respect for yourself, respect for others and respect for the facility
  2. Responsibility for actions of inappropriate behaviour

The following behaviour in regards to facility damage is considered unacceptable, including but not limited to:

  • Vandalism or graffiti, such as marking on walls or objects or defacing Town property or private property
  • Destruction of property, purposefully damaging Town property or private property
  • Possession, consumption or impairment of illicit drugs, or of alcohol except as authorized by law or from a written exemption from the Town
  • Any contravention of other Federal, Provincial laws, Town By-laws, Town policies or other programs that constitute inappropriate behaviour
  • Refusal to follow the rules established by the Town, or failure to comply with Town employee’s orders

Further inappropriate behaviour such as violence, harassment or discrimination of other persons is considered unacceptable, including but not limited to: Inappropriate language or gestures, harassment, discrimination, fighting or physical assault.

Arena Users - Please respect the Vollmer Centre

Leaving the Arena

  • Please ensure any garbage (such as tape or other refuse) is disposed of before leaving.

  • Limit dressing room time to a maximum of 30 minutes after the rental. Please leave the facility promptly. 

  • Alcohol consumption inside the facility is prohibited.

Player Safety Around the Zamboni

  • Remain on the bench with the doors closed until the Zamboni is off of the ice surface and the Zamboni doors are completely closed. Do not shoot pucks or skate around while the Zamboni operator is shoveling snow off of the ice.

  • Keep water bottles and items off of the bench ledge until the Zamboni is off of the ice. 

Responsibility of Coaches and Volunteers

 Hockey coaches and volunteers - we need your help to keep things on track!

  • Please put pylons and bumpers back in their proper location. Do not leave these items in the hallway or on the benches.
  • Ensure your team does not enter the ice surface prior to the rental start time or while the Zamboni doors are open.
  • If you write on the glass, please erase it before leaving.
  • Please have your team clean up pucks and equipment from the ice surface promptly before the buzzer sounds.
  • To help the next group, please have a coach or volunteer move the nets for the Zamboni.
  • Coaches shall ensure the team dressing room(s) are vacated by all team members 30 minutes after the rental end time. The dressing rooms must have all garbage picked up before leaving.
  • Coaches: extra nets and equipment must be requested in advance through your organization's scheduler.

Responsibility of Players and Skaters

  • Do not vandalize the facility with sticks, pucks or other behaviour.

  • Ball hockey inside the arena hallways is not permitted. Help us keep this facility safe for everyone.

  • Throw out your garbage properly. Do not leave tape or garbage on the floor.

  • Do not spit in the facility.

Lost and Found Policy

Items turned into the Vollmer Recreation Complex will be categorized. The Town of LaSalle is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please be cautious of your personal belongings at all times.

Personal Belongings

Personal belongings that have been lost at the Vollmer Recreation Complex such as clothing, swimwear and water bottles present a health risk to patrons and employees. Lost items in this category will be discarded at the end of each business day. This category includes the following items:

  • Clothing/Swimwear
  • Undergarments
  • Bottles, Tupperware, Mugs
  • Towels
  • Glasses, Headphones, Dental Appliances


Valuable items found at the Vollmer Recreation Complex will be categorized as per the lists below. Valuable items will be held for one week. After this period, these items will be turned into the LaSalle Police Service. If your items cannot be found at the Vollmer Complex and it has been at least one week since you lost them, please visit the LaSalle Police Service during their business hours to identify your items. Items in this category include the following:

  • Electronics (Phones, digital watches, devices
  • Wallets and purses
  • Cash
  • Identification

Other lost valuables will be stored at the Vollmer Recreation Complex for a period of approximately one week. These items include:

  • Jewelry
  • Vehicle/house keys
  • Bank cards will be shredded if not claimed within one week. Identification must be provided to retrieve a lost bank card. The identification must match the name on the card. The Town of LaSalle is not responsible for lost or stolen bank cards.

Hockey Equipment

Lost hockey equipment is stored at the Vollmer Recreation Complex for the duration of the hockey season from September through March. Equipment that presents a biohazard risk such as mouth guards, water bottles and undergarments will be immediately discarded. Items such as skates, sticks and helmets will be kept until April of each year. In April, all unclaimed items will be donated or discarded depending on condition of the item. The lost and found area is located at the back of Rink A. The Town of LaSalle is not responsible for lost items.


Lost pets/animals will be reported to the Animal Control Officer. The Animal Control Officer will bring lost animals to the Lakeshore Dog Pound.

Photography Policy

The Town of LaSalle may take photos for marketing purposes. If you wish for your child not to be photographed, please indicate this at the time of registration.

Patrons taking photos of participants in Town programs is prohibited without prior consent. If you are taping or recording your child, please ask permission first. Please ensure only your child is recorded. This policy requires the respect and responsibility of everyone. Please respect the privacy of others. 

Photos of participants at public festivals and events is exempt from the photography policy.

Camera and phone use is prohibited in Town restrooms and changing rooms.