The Water distribution system for the Town of LaSalle is provided through the Public Works Department. Water Rates are reviewed and approved on an annual basis at budget deliberations.

Backflow-Cross Connection Control

To make sure the water we drink is safe and clean, the Town of LaSalle has criteria that must be followed. If you own property, you can connect to the Town’s water, but you have to follow the Backflow-Cross Connection Program. 

Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention By-law 7847 protects drinking water quality. Backflow is when water flows the wrong way. It happens because of two things: Back Pressure and Back Siphonage.

  1. Back Pressure: Imagine a private water system pushing harder than the Town’s water supply. That can make water go backward.
  2. Back Siphonage: Sometimes, the Town’s water pressure is weaker than a private system’s pressure. This can cause water to flow the wrong way between public and private systems.

There are different types of devices to prevent backflow, depending on the risks. These devices need to be checked by a certified contractor every year to make sure they work correctly. The certified contractor will fill out and submit a Backflow Prevention Report Form.

If you have further questions regarding the program please contact one of the following:

  • Preview Consulting: 519-551-8825
  • Public Works: 519-969-4143
  • Email

Community Water Fluoridation

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that exists in nearly all water sources. Ground water dissolves the fluoride from rocks into the soil and water. Drinking fluoridated water is linked with reduced tooth decay.

Community water fluoridation (CWF) is the process of monitoring and adjusting the level of fluoride in drinking water to optimize the dental benefits of preventing cavities. Research has shown that the optimal level of fluoride for cavity prevention is 0.7 milligrams/liter (mg/L) or 0.7 parts per million (ppm). CWF is a global strategy to reduce dental cavities, as many communities around the world have access to CWF.

Internationally, many public health agencies have endorsed CWF, including the World Health Organization, the Canadian Dental Association, and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

CWF is a cost-effective and equitable method to provide fluoride to the population. This population based preventive intervention contributes to oral health equity by overcoming common social determinants of health including age, education, income, and access to professional dental care. For more information on CWF, visit the Government of Canada's website and the Windsor Essex County Health Unit's website.

Background Information

  • In 2013, the City of Windsor and the Town of Tecumseh voted to remove community water fluoridation (CWF) from Windsor, Tecumseh, and LaSalle.
  • In March 2019, the Windsor City Council passed a by-law to reintroduce fluoride to Windsor's water system.
  • In April 2019, the Town of Tecumseh Council voted in favour of reintroducing fluoride to the water system.
  • In January 2022, ENWIN Utilities Ltd. (ENWIN), on behalf of The Board of Commissioners of the Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC) reintroduced fluoride into the local drinking water systems for Windsor, Tecumseh, and LaSalle.

Fire Hydrant Flushing and Maintenance

Periodically, the Town of LaSalle Water Division carries out fire hydrant maintenance and flushing of water mains. This work takes place March through October. During this time, there will be some pressure drops and discolouration of the water.

Should any water customers note any discolouration of the water in their residence, please do not turn on the taps for an hour or two.  Then, run the cold water taps until the water clears.

Water Conservation Tips

  • Repair all leaky faucets, especially hot water faucets, as quickly as possible. You'll save water and energy too. A dripping faucet can use up to 170 gallons in a 24-hour period.
  • Be sure your dishwasher is full but not overloaded when you turn it on. An average dishwasher uses 14-16 gallons of hot water per load.
  • Washing dishes in running water before placing them in the automatic washer is an expensive luxury.  This can add dollars to your monthly water bill. Scrape them, but do not let the water run.
  • Install a flow restrictor in your shower. It is easy to install and saves water by lowering the flow to 4 gallons per minute (which is enough for showering). Remember, using more hot water than you really need wastes both water and electricity (or gas).
  • Don't let the water run while you shave. Turn on the tap only as needed. This will save from four to five gallons per day.
  • Check your toilets. Does the tank overfill,  wasting water through the overflow pipe? Check the seating valve on the bottom of the flush tank: Is it seating Properly?
  • A good test for spills in the toilet system is to put a little bluing into the flush tank.  If the bluing shows up in the bowl (without flushing), water is being wasted. It is our estimate that about 90 percent of all high-water bills are caused by malfunctioning tanks.

Water Quality Reports

These reports are prepared in compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002 - Drinking Water Systems, O. Reg. 170/03. 

LaSalle Annual Report - Drinking Water System January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 (pdf).  Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request. Please contact Public Works at 519-969-4143 for your request. 

Watermain Standards - Drinking Water Quality Management System

All watermain installed in the Town of LaSalle follow the standard below:

Quality Management System Policy (QMS)

The Town of LaSalle's Public Works department is committed to the principles and objectives set out in the Quality Management System (QMS) Policy. The Town of LaSalle's Water Distribution System is committed to:

Comply with all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. The supply of safe drinking water to meet consumer requirements. The maintenance and continual improvement of the Water Distribution System and the DWQMS of same.

We ensure the implementation of the policy and monitor progress of the Quality Management System (QMS). The plan is available to the public upon request. also the policy is available to all parties on the Municipal website. The staff, management and Council (the owners) shall be provided with the plan, updates and changes as required.

Design Standards and Material Specifications

For information on the Town of LaSalle's watermain design standards and material specifications please refer to the Watermain Design Standards document.

 Standard Drawings

PVC Pipe Joint Thrust Restraint L-WD-01
Tie in Details and Thrust Blocking L-WD-02
Trench Width, Bedding and Cover for PVC L-WD-04
Tracer Wire Installation L-WD-05
Typical Fire Hydrant Installation L-WD-06
Watermain Crossings at Sewers L-WD-07

Typical Residential Water Service and Meter Installation

Metered Automatic Flushing Device L-WD-09
Concrete or Plastic Meter Pit L-WD-10

Installation of Services from Main to Property Line


Water Service Transfer Installation and Street Width

Blow-Off Assembly L-WD-15

Typical Chlorine Riser and Sampling Point Installation


Watermain Flushing and Testing Procedure in Roadway


Watermain Flushing and Testing Procedure in a Boulevard


Watermain Flushing and Testing Procedure off a Hydrant


For any questions regarding Watermain Standards, please call the Public Works Department at 519-969-4143. 

Accessible formats or communication supports are available upon request. Please contact Public Works at 519-969-4143 for your request. 

Issues can be reported anytime using the Customer Service Portal. You can also call the Public Works Department Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 519-969-4143. In the event of an after hours water emergency, the phone will be answered by the Police Dispatch Center.